pizzaboxer / bloxstrap

An alternative bootstrapper for Roblox with a bunch of extra features.
MIT License
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[BUG] An exception occurred while running bloxstrap #1883

Closed Txkyo03 closed 2 months ago

Txkyo03 commented 3 months ago

Acknowledgement of preliminary instructions

What problem did you encounter?

Screenshot 2024-05-28 175729

log contents: 2024-05-30T13:53:48Z [App::OnStartup] Starting Bloxstrap v2.5.4 2024-05-30T13:53:48Z [App::OnStartup] Compiled Saturday, 4 November 2023 at 5:46:02 AM from commit 880c076fcd875fc10b5f6bef770033074d79a7a8 (tag/v2.5.4) 2024-05-30T13:53:48Z [App::OnStartup] Loaded from %UserProfile%\Downloads\Bloxstrap-v2.5.4.exe 2024-05-30T13:53:48Z [InstallChecker::FirstTimeRun] Running first-time install 2024-05-30T13:53:48Z [Logger::Initialize] Initializing at %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Bloxstrap_20240530T135348Z.log 2024-05-30T13:53:48Z [App::GlobalExceptionHandler] An exception occurred 2024-05-30T13:53:48Z [App::FinalizeExceptionHandling] System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Bloxstrap_20240530T135348Z.log' is denied. at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at Bloxstrap.Logger.Initialize(Boolean useTempDir) at Bloxstrap.InstallChecker.FirstTimeRun() at Bloxstrap.InstallChecker.Check() at Bloxstrap.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1_0(Object unused) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

Itsyoboymoon commented 3 months ago

method 1# try hit windows logo in keyborad and search disk clean up then uncheck everything expect thumbnails method 2# try reinstalling bloxstrap if it doesnt work then it may be roblox itself reinstall roblox then try bloxstrap method 3# try going to c:\Users and type reset and if it said access not allowed allow it and try again

Txkyo03 commented 3 months ago

where do you exactly type reset?

pizzaboxer commented 3 months ago

Can you check to make sure your antivirus isn't interfering?

pizzaboxer commented 2 months ago

Issue has been awaiting clarification for over a month, closing as stale. If you have anything further to add, just respond and I'll reopen.