pizzapanther / Super-Neutron-Drive

The next awesome version of Neutron Drive
MIT License
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Intellisense / project code analysis feature #73

Open pwFoo opened 7 years ago

pwFoo commented 7 years ago

Is a code analysis feature planned like static code analysis to get improved autocomplete for cms / cmf classes and methods (php)?

pizzapanther commented 7 years ago

Some languages have this already like javascript but php does not yet.

Since Google announced the deprecation Chrome Apps, the conversion of Neutron to a web based app is higher priority and so I probably won't add this feature in this version. However, I'll bring this feature request to the next version.

pwFoo commented 7 years ago

I compare Neutron Drive with Caret at the moment, which is a Chrome App too. I like Caret UI (clear, similar features, language / theme select.

Remove the chrome dependency (which I use as prefered browser) and just use it with any browser web based would be nice. 👍

pizzapanther commented 7 years ago

Yes chrome dependency will be removed but you'll still need an extension if you want to do things like local file editing. So I think there will be a chrome extension and possible a firefox extension since I believe firefox has the same extension APIs now.

pwFoo commented 7 years ago

So a full browser based solution like Cloud9 or Orion isn't planned? I don't know how it's done or how much additional work it would be. Just mentioned because I tested both inside of docker containers.

Do you develop it in a additional branch or a new repo? Is a roadmap / planned features list available?

pwFoo commented 7 years ago

KeeWeb is available as desktop app or just browser based for example.

pizzapanther commented 7 years ago

Yes that is already a feature but it's implemented a little differently. Basically that feature is Neutron Beam and I'll port that over.

Neutron Beam lets you setup remote editing in any environment where you can install a small python program. This makes it a little harder to setup since Cloud9 and Orion are more automated but gives you more flexibility. Also if you wanted to, you could do some custom automation.

Lastly, Neutron Beam gives you to the option to edit locally without an extension or on a internal networked system if you don't trust a public system like Cloud9 or have a requirement where something like that can not be used.