pj4533 / PokerNowConvert

Web app for converting PokerNow.club logs to PokerStars format
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Multiple Pot Errors When Attempting to Import into PT4 #12

Open camdenmariotti opened 3 years ago

camdenmariotti commented 3 years ago


niosocket commented 3 years ago

The format changed flop, turn and river words in the log to be Flop, Turn and River (with capital first letter). @camdenmariotti you can just replace it in the original csv file and it will work. This is the workaround until @pj4533 will fix it.

sabman83 commented 3 years ago

@niosocket Thanks for the reply. I went into the original log file and replace "Flop" with "flop" and so on. I ran the convertor but I now see a bunch of errors like : "02:33:42 pm: Error: PokerStars: Invalid flop cards: errorerrorerror (Hand #443133174857560902) (Line #16576)"

Is there something I am missing here?

sabman83 commented 3 years ago

Never mind. I used vim to find and replace. The previous errors was probably because the editor I was using didn't encode the file correctly.