pj4533 / pn2ps

Convert PokerNow.club logs into PokerStars hand history format
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Sometimes all-ins cause log errors when imported to Pokertracker #20

Closed pj4533 closed 4 years ago

pj4533 commented 4 years ago
PokerStars Hand #343399244548138130: Hold'em No Limit ($0.25/$0.50 USD) - 2020/06/27 03:03:30 ET
Table 'DGen' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: javonte ($77.11 in chips)
Seat 2: h0dgE ($356.78 in chips)
Seat 3: BigLeBlairski ($108.50 in chips)
Seat 4: silver ($16.74 in chips)
Seat 5: ArtOswald ($33.00 in chips)
Seat 6: msremo13 ($86.34 in chips)
Seat 7: jasondragon ($216.56 in chips)
Seat 8: Gambit ($63.04 in chips)
Gambit: posts small blind $0.25
javonte: posts big blind $0.50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
h0dgE: folds
BigLeBlairski: folds
silver: raises $1.25 to $1.75
ArtOswald: folds
msremo13: folds
jasondragon: calls $1.75
javonte: folds
silver: calls $5.75
jasondragon: folds
*** FLOP *** [Jd 8d As]
Gambit: bets $8.62
silver: raises $0.62 to $9.24
Gambit: calls $0.62
*** TURN *** [Jd 8d As] [7c]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 8d As 7c] [6s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Gambit: shows [Ac Qd] (Pair, A's)
Gambit collected $35.73 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot: $35.73 | Rake 0
Board: [Jd 8d As 7c 6s]
Seat 1: javonte (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: h0dgE folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: BigLeBlairski folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: silver didn't show and lost [Jc Qs]
Seat 5: ArtOswald folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: msremo13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: jasondragon (button) folded before Flop
Seat 8: Gambit (small blind) showed [Ac Qd] and won ($35.73) with Pair, A's [Ac Qd]


"-- ending hand #195 --",2020-06-27T07:04:36.563Z,159324147656658
"""Gambit @ M90kWrgFph"" wins 3573 with Pair, A's (hand: A♣, Q♦)",2020-06-27T07:04:36.563Z,159324147656652
"river: J♦, 8♦, A♠, 7♣ [6♠]",2020-06-27T07:04:33.545Z,159324147355690
"""silver @ 5CNrqDLzqB"" shows a J♣, Q♠.",2020-06-27T07:04:30.518Z,159324147052300
"""Gambit @ M90kWrgFph"" shows a A♣, Q♦.",2020-06-27T07:04:30.518Z,159324147052299
"turn: J♦, 8♦, A♠ [7♣]",2020-06-27T07:04:30.518Z,159324147052292
"""Gambit @ M90kWrgFph"" calls with 924",2020-06-27T07:04:29.584Z,159324146959279
"""silver @ 5CNrqDLzqB"" raises and all in with 924",2020-06-27T07:04:27.614Z,159324146761868
"""Gambit @ M90kWrgFph"" raises with 862",2020-06-27T07:04:25.178Z,159324146518062
"flop:  [J♦, 8♦, A♠]",2020-06-27T07:04:19.345Z,159324145934838
"""jasondragon @ KMgRtZHdge"" folds",2020-06-27T07:04:17.939Z,159324145794155
"""silver @ 5CNrqDLzqB"" calls with 750",2020-06-27T07:04:16.308Z,159324145631173
"""javonte @ ft7rBrCfHv"" folds",2020-06-27T07:04:13.298Z,159324145330110
"""jasondragon @ KMgRtZHdge"" calls with 175",2020-06-27T07:04:07.043Z,159324144704662
"""msremo13 @ 4pat3gsmp0"" folds",2020-06-27T07:03:59.701Z,159324143970478
"""ArtOswald @ uEYpCCQ_F0"" folds",2020-06-27T07:03:50.152Z,159324143016058
"""silver @ 5CNrqDLzqB"" raises with 175",2020-06-27T07:03:49.014Z,159324142901778
"""BigLeBlairski @ nO1gn1sxsi"" folds",2020-06-27T07:03:42.909Z,159324142291263
"""h0dgE @ SdiGDu5m4n"" folds",2020-06-27T07:03:40.321Z,159324142032333
"""javonte @ ft7rBrCfHv"" posts a big blind of 50",2020-06-27T07:03:30.707Z,159324141071290
"""Gambit @ M90kWrgFph"" posts a small blind of 25",2020-06-27T07:03:30.707Z,159324141071288
"Players stacks: ""jasondragon @ KMgRtZHdge"" (21656) | ""Gambit @ M90kWrgFph"" (6304) | ""javonte @ ft7rBrCfHv"" (7711) | ""h0dgE @ SdiGDu5m4n"" (35678) | ""BigLeBlairski @ nO1gn1sxsi"" (10850) | ""silver @ 5CNrqDLzqB"" (1674) | ""ArtOswald @ uEYpCCQ_F0"" (3300) | ""msremo13 @ 4pat3gsmp0"" (8634)",2020-06-27T07:03:30.707Z,159324141071252
"-- starting hand #195  (Texas Hold'em) (dealer: ""jasondragon @ KMgRtZHdge"") --",2020-06-27T07:03:30.707Z,159324141071246

Error from PokerTracker: 08:43:44 am: Error: PokerStars: Invalid pot size/winnings for hand #343399244548138130 (calculated pot: $24.48; reported winnings: $35.73) (Line #8860)

pj4533 commented 4 years ago

Note: I think this is an instance of https://gitlab.com/poker-now/poker-now-hub/-/issues/305

Notice that Gambit has no action preflop (other than posting small blind), but does act on the flop.