pj4533 / pn2ps

Convert PokerNow.club logs into PokerStars hand history format
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Board cards aren't shown in output #28

Open bkushigian opened 3 years ago

bkushigian commented 3 years ago

I have a file test.csv (listed below). I run pn2ps ben --filename test.csv and get the following output, which doesn't list board cards:


PokerStars Hand #226098499422479939: Hold'em No Limit ($0.05/$0.10 USD) - 2021/03/07 18:57:14 ET
Table 'DGen' 10-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: ben ($15.50 in chips)
Seat 10: Aram ($29.00 in chips)
ben: posts small blind $0.05
Aram: posts big blind $0.10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ben [8d Th]
ben: raises $0.20 to $0.30
Aram: raises $0.20 to $0.50
ben: calls $0.20
Aram: bets $1.00
ben: calls $0.50
Aram: bets $1.50
ben: raises $4.50 to $6.00
Aram: calls $4.50
Aram: checks
ben: bets $8.00
Aram: calls $2.00
Aram: shows [Ks 9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Aram collected $31.00 from pot
ben: shows [8d Th]
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot: $31.00 | Rake 0
Seat 1: ben (small blind) (button) didn't show and lost [8d Th]
Seat 10: Aram (big blind) showed [Ks 9s] and won ($31.00) with Pair, K's


"The player ""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" passed the room ownership to ""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"".",2021-03-08T03:27:28.181Z,161517404818300
"The player ""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" quits the game with a stack of 0.00.",2021-03-08T02:58:18.104Z,161517229811200
"-- ending hand #157 --",2021-03-08T02:58:12.077Z,161517229207903
"""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" shows a 8♦, 10♥.",2021-03-08T02:58:12.077Z,161517229207902
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" collected 31.00 from pot with Pair, K's (combination: K♠, K♦, J♦, 9♠, 7♦)",2021-03-08T02:58:12.077Z,161517229207901
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" shows a K♠, 9♠.",2021-03-08T02:58:12.077Z,161517229207900
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" calls 8.00",2021-03-08T02:58:11.268Z,161517229126900
"""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" bets 8.00 and go all in",2021-03-08T02:58:04.363Z,161517228436400
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" checks",2021-03-08T02:57:59.065Z,161517227906600
"River: K♦, 6♣, 7♦, 4♠ [J♦]",2021-03-08T02:57:54.951Z,161517227495400
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" calls 6.00",2021-03-08T02:57:54.144Z,161517227414500
"""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" raises to 6.00",2021-03-08T02:57:52.477Z,161517227247800
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" bets 1.50",2021-03-08T02:57:43.150Z,161517226315100
"Turn: K♦, 6♣, 7♦ [4♠]",2021-03-08T02:57:32.692Z,161517225269300
"""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" calls 1.00",2021-03-08T02:57:31.876Z,161517225187700
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" bets 1.00",2021-03-08T02:57:27.913Z,161517224791400
"Flop:  [K♦, 6♣, 7♦]",2021-03-08T02:57:24.077Z,161517224407800
"""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" calls 0.50",2021-03-08T02:57:23.269Z,161517224327000
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" raises to 0.50",2021-03-08T02:57:20.528Z,161517224052900
"""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" raises to 0.30",2021-03-08T02:57:18.267Z,161517223826800
"""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" posts a big blind of 0.10",2021-03-08T02:57:14.971Z,161517223497205
"""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" posts a small blind of 0.05",2021-03-08T02:57:14.971Z,161517223497204
"Your hand is 8♦, 10♥",2021-03-08T02:57:14.971Z,161517223497202
"Player stacks: #1 ""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" (15.50) | #10 ""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" (29.00)",2021-03-08T02:57:14.971Z,161517223497201
"-- starting hand #1  (No Limit Texas Hold'em) (dealer: ""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"") --",2021-03-08T02:57:14.971Z,161517223497200
"The admin approved the player ""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" participation with a stack of 10.00.",2021-03-08T00:30:32.340Z,161516343234400
"The player ""Aram @ hUD36oVroK"" requested a seat.",2021-03-08T00:30:22.576Z,161516342257700
"The admin approved the player ""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" participation with a stack of 10.00.",2021-03-08T00:27:52.358Z,161516327236201
"The player ""ben @ lcLCU4HVrS"" requested a seat.",2021-03-08T00:27:52.358Z,161516327236200
"The game's big blind was changed from 20 to 5.",2021-03-08T00:27:45.799Z,161516326580001
"The game's small blind was changed from 10 to 2.",2021-03-08T00:27:45.799Z,161516326580000

I've had this happen with several sessions and haven't been able to fix it. I also tried getting an up to date version as well as building from source, but no luck there either.