pj4533 / pn2ps

Convert PokerNow.club logs into PokerStars hand history format
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useful data to collect from logs #7

Closed albertborsos closed 4 years ago

albertborsos commented 4 years ago

I think the following scenario is not processed. Everyone folds on a raise, but then they showed their cards.


"""Áron @ KqPrDJjSfQ"" shows a K♦, A♦.",2020-05-29T18:46:13.525Z,159077797353082
"-- ending hand #17 --",2020-05-29T18:46:12.943Z,159077797294784
"""Áron @ KqPrDJjSfQ"" gained 120",2020-05-29T18:46:12.943Z,159077797294780
"""Tasi @ gKf3XcCGy2"" folds",2020-05-29T18:46:11.521Z,159077797152560
"""Stev0 @ -rMjATuApd"" folds",2020-05-29T18:46:09.969Z,159077796997482
"""Andris @ i0BBK8VTZw"" folds",2020-05-29T18:46:08.418Z,159077796842308
"""kervallin @ 28d4kax8ps"" folds",2020-05-29T18:46:06.883Z,159077796688759
"""bobo @ O7q--fndwt"" folds",2020-05-29T18:46:05.264Z,159077796526948
"""Áron @ KqPrDJjSfQ"" raises with 200",2020-05-29T18:46:02.804Z,159077796280962
"""Tasi @ gKf3XcCGy2"" calls with 20",2020-05-29T18:45:57.902Z,159077795790830
"""Stev0 @ -rMjATuApd"" calls with 20",2020-05-29T18:45:56.848Z,159077795685500
"""Dani @ BfrfwBqXYA"" folds",2020-05-29T18:45:52.890Z,159077795289554
"""Andris @ i0BBK8VTZw"" calls with 20",2020-05-29T18:45:42.391Z,159077794239734
"""kervallin @ 28d4kax8ps"" calls with 20",2020-05-29T18:45:40.606Z,159077794061181
"""bobo @ O7q--fndwt"" posts a big blind of 20",2020-05-29T18:45:38.339Z,159077793834947
"""Áron @ KqPrDJjSfQ"" posts a small blind of 10",2020-05-29T18:45:38.339Z,159077793834945
"Your hand is 2♠, 6♠",2020-05-29T18:45:38.339Z,159077793834923
"-- starting hand #17 (dealer: ""Tasi @ gKf3XcCGy2"") --",2020-05-29T18:45:38.339Z,159077793834918


PokerStars Hand #159077793834918: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.20 USD) - 2020/05/29 20:45:38 ET
Table 'DGen' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: bobo
Seat 2: kervallin
Seat 3: Andris
Seat 4: Dani
Seat 5: Stev0
Seat 6: Tasi
Seat 7: Áron
Áron: posts small blind $0.10
bobo: posts big blind $0.20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to bobo [2s 6s]
kervallin: calls $0.20
Andris: calls $0.20
Dani: folds
Stev0: calls $0.20
Tasi: calls $0.20
Áron: raises $1.80 to $2.00
bobo: folds
kervallin: folds
Andris: folds
Stev0: folds
Tasi: folds
Uncalled bet ($1.80) returned to Áron
Áron collected $1.20 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot: $1.20 | Rake 0
Seat 1: bobo (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: kervallin folded before Flop
Seat 3: Andris folded before Flop
Seat 4: Dani folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Stev0 folded before Flop
Seat 6: Tasi (button) folded before Flop
Seat 7: Áron (small blind) collected ($1.20)

ps: Just updated the example to a simpler one.

pj4533 commented 4 years ago

Yeah agreed, I noticed the same. Would be awesome to have those in the output. I think I just need to add it to the summary? Should be pretty easy...

albertborsos commented 4 years ago

I played some round on pokerstars to reverse engineer what you should generate:

*** SHOW DOWN ***
Stemko7 : shows [3c 2d] (two pair, Jacks and Threes)
bobosapp: mucks hand 
Stemko7  collected 3024 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3200 | Rake 176 
Board [Jh 9s Js 3d 7d]
Seat 5: bobosapp (button) mucked [Qc Th]
Seat 6: Stemko7  (small blind) showed [3c 2d] and won (3024) with two pair, Jacks and Threes

I think instead of the username: mucks hand you should add the same format as the line above. And also to the summary?

pj4533 commented 4 years ago

oh man! thats awesome, i was wondering if there was a 'mucked' verb used in the logs. I was using this to reverse engineer it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_history but that doesn't include all cases. Can you grab a couple more logs for me?

albertborsos commented 4 years ago

Of course. Give me the use cases you need.

pj4533 commented 4 years ago

the primary cases I need to fix now are:

pj4533 commented 4 years ago

I think this is fixed in 0.0.3 - I’ll do a release later today. Please respond if it’s still broken after trying the new version.

pj4533 commented 4 years ago

Once I do the release later, please check this issue especially. I include the shown hands now, but not sure if I got the format exactly right. For example, I could see the cards in pokertracker when I replayed the hand, but not in the summary columns. Might be that’s just how the software works, or could be that it reads from some part of the log I didn’t get right. If you can check with holdem manager, that’d be great! As I said, 0.0.3 should be posted momentarily.

albertborsos commented 4 years ago

Awesome, works great in HM3.! Thanks!

Yes, you are using different format. In my compiled game log it looks like:

Seat 7: Áron (small blind) collected ($120.00) [Kd Ad]

based on the previous pokerstars log should look like:

Seat 7: Áron (small blind) showed [Kd Ad] and won ($120.00) and there is a with high card A but i think it is unnecessary beside that it is pretty complicated to translate hands into words.

pj4533 commented 4 years ago

Hmmm...not 100% sure the pokerstars log would look that way for a folded hand, where the winner ends up showing. Thats the case I need to see. I agree what you wrote is what it would look like for a hand that went to showdown though, and the description of the winning hand is included in the PokerNow log also, so its not hard. However PokerNow doesn't include the winning hand description if the showdown did not happen, regardless if the person shows. (which makes me think maybe PokerStars doesn't either?)

Do you happen to have a real PokerStars log for this case so we can compare?