pjalocha / esp32-ogn-tracker

OGN Tracker implementation on ESP32 devices
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Support for APX2102 #56

Open naquaii opened 10 months ago

naquaii commented 10 months ago

Seems newer T-BEAM boards (sometimes calls V1.2 but mine's marked V1.1) have a new PMU chip, APX2102 instead of APX192.

The symptoms are that transmission never starts, it's as if the transmitter isn't "turned on". When flashing from a firmware of another software that works it works until power cycle after which everything seems fine except no transmission. I've tried coming from both SoftRF 1.2+ and meshtastic and in both cases transmission works until power cycle after flash.

SoftRF 1.1 behaves the same way but 1.2 and 1.3 works. As far as I can see there's a couple of commits relating to this in last summer. https://github.com/lyusupov/SoftRF/commits/master?before=96cee5cbd953340611c1e6440f4e3a1f0bf3bb37+385&branch=master&qualified_name=refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster

My guess would be that there's some sort of initialization that needs to happen that's new for the APX2102.

wadoadi commented 10 months ago

I have the exact same problem, with the same chips, and also a new board...

pjalocha commented 10 months ago

The decision here is to go for PlatformIO and Arduino libraries to support the new chips. See the project ogn-tracker under my account.

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Any news about this issue ?

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

Did you see my project ogn-tracker ? It is with platformio and it works on T-Beam-S3. Not all features yet, but should t least transmit an OGN sgnal.

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

I apologize but i do not understand what you are referring to, i am quite new to all this (github etc.) You are mentioning the T-Beam-S3 while i was refererring to T-Beam with the AXP2102 chip. I don't know if the S3 is same or close to the non-S3, i just was wondering if you where still working on it or not because i built my own Stratux Receiver and unfortunatelly it seems that the T-Beam with the old chip is no longer available.

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

See this prroject: https://github.com/pjalocha/ogn-tracker It should work on the T-Beam (not-S3) with the AXP2102 Try the profiles: ttgo-sx1276-tbeam or ttgo-sx1262-tbeam and if this does not work, please come back.

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Thank you Pawel for your feedback, forgive me but i have just two more questions: How do i compile the source code in the SRC folder and how do i upload it to the TTGO ? Thanks a lot for yoy help !

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

You need to install PlatformIO - you can install command-line or IDE, I only know about command line.

Check this website how to install it: https://platformio.org/install

Once you install it, you type like:

pio run -e ttgo-tbeam-sx1276 -t upload --upload-port=/dev/ttyACM0

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Hi, finally manged to get use to platformio, tried both ttgo-sx1276-tbeam and ttgo-sx1262-tbeam config but none of the 2 is transmittin in any protocol (tried all settings possible through stratux web interface). To be able to compile and uplaod it i had to change XPowersLib from 0.1.8 to 0.2.1 because of an "integrity error", maybe this is the issue but i don't know ha to handle it. Just let me know yout thoughts.

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

OK, so it compiles and loads, can you see any output on the serial port ? Did you choose the corect RF chip: sx1276 or sx1262 ?

wadoadi commented 5 months ago

I get the following errors, it's my first time trying to use PIO and is via VS Code, this is when compiling with: pio run -e ttgo-tbeam-sx1276 -t upload --upload-port=/dev/ttyACM9 Error: Unknown environment names 'ttgo-tbeam-sx1276'. Valid names are 'ttgo-sx1276-tbeam-07, ttgo-sx1262-tbeam-s3, ttgo-sx1276-tbeam-07-stratux, ttgo-sx1276-tbeam, ttgo-sx1262-tbeam'

so then I tried:

pio run -e ttgo-sx1276-tbeam-07-stratux -t upload --upload-port=/dev/ttyACM9

but I now get the following error:

Error: Package version 0.2.1+sha.db9bd81 doesn't satisfy requirements ^0.1.8 based on PackageMetaData <type=library name=XPowersLib version=0.2.1+sha.db9bd81 spec={'owner': None, 'id': None, 'name': 'XPowersLib', 'requirements': '^0.1.8', 'uri': 'git+https://github.com/lewisxhe/XPowersLib'}

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

For me, this command went through, I use Lubuntu on x86_64 laptop. But yo changed the XPowerLib version and it works now ?

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

wadoladi got the same error i got, it seems we are not able to get the Xpowers 1.8.0 library, probably beacuse of a fresh installation of the enviroment.
I use a Mac with Sonoma 14.1.2 but i don't think this is the problem. I tried to complie and upload with both 1276 and 1262 (even if i have th 1276), but none of the 2 transmitted (of course i have been waiting for a GPS fix etc.). Do you think it can be realted to the Xpowers library ?

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

But it is alive, you can see GPS NMEA on the output, etc. ?

What are the startp messages: does it say it found the power-control chip ?

WITH_AXP does not worrk ? I am lost with all these different drivers nd don't have the same T-Beam you have.

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Yes, is alive and GPS works, i also get a FIX. The following is the platformio.ini file section intersted (the stratux section has been modified by me). From both i am getting GPS data and fix and both are transmitting nothing. I tried all the settings fromt Stratux web interface. (OGN,ICAO etc) . . . default_envs= ttgo-sx1276-tbeam ; ttgo-sx1262-tbeam ; ttgo-sx1276-tbeam-10-stratux . . .

[env:ttgo-sx1276-tbeam] board = ttgo-lora32-v1 ; board = tbeam build_flags = -DTTGO_TBEAM -DRADIOLIB_GODMODE ; advanced functions are needed from the RadioLib -DWITH_ESP32 -DWITH_TBEAM10 -DWITH_SX1276 -DWITH_CONFIG ; allow to change parameters via serial console -DWITH_GPS_UBX -DWITH_GPS_PPS ; use the PPS of the GPS (not critical but gets betterr timing) -DWITH_GPS_CONFIG ; GPS can be adjusted for serial baud rate and navigation model -DWITH_AXP ; -DWITH_BT_SPP ; BT Standard Serial Port => connection to XCsoar, takes big resources in Flash and RAM -DWITH_LOOKOUT -DWITH_PFLAA

[env:ttgo-sx1276-tbeam-10-stratux] board = ttgo-lora32-v1 build_flags = -DTTGO_TBEAM -DRADIOLIB_GODMODE ; advanced functions are needed from the RadioLib -DWITH_ESP32 -DWITH_TBEAM10 -DWITH_SX1276 -DWITH_CONFIG ; allow to change parameters via serial console -DWITH_GPS_UBX -DWITH_GPS_UBX_PASS -DWITH_GPS_NMEA_PASS -DWITH_GPS_PPS ; use the PPS of the GPS (not critical but gets betterr timing) ; -DWITH_GPS_CONFIG ; GPS can be adjusted for serial baud rate and navigation model -DWITH_BME280 ; recognizes automatically BMP280 or BME280 -DWITH_AXP ; -DWITH_BT_SPP ; BT Standard Serial Port => connection to XCsoar, takes big resources in Flash and RAM -DWITH_LOOKOUT -DWITH_PFLAA

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Update: tried with a different TBEAM board with M8N GPS and at startup i get the following : 11:34:33.459 -> OGN-Tracker 11:34:33.459 -> I2C scan: 0x34 1 devices 11:34:33.491 -> AXP power/charge chip NOT detected 11:34:33.591 -> RF chip detected 11:34:33.591 -> $POGNS,SysStart70 11:34:33.591 -> $POGNS,CPU=0x0000B0B21C506594,Address=0x506594,AddrType=3,Stealth=0,AcftType=0x1,FreqPlan=1,TxPower=+1461 11:34:33.591 -> $POGNS,Pilot=,Crew=,Reg=,Base=4D 11:34:33.591 -> $POGNS,Manuf=,Model=,Type=,SN=7E

As far as i see the AXP CHIP cannot be detected or is not recognized.

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Complete transcription of the boot process:

11:43:13.686 -> E (198) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found! 11:43:13.686 -> E (199) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found! 11:43:14.016 -> OGN-Tracker 11:43:14.016 -> I2C scan: 0x34 1 devices 11:43:14.049 -> AXP power/charge chip NOT detected 11:43:14.147 -> RF chip detected 11:43:14.147 -> $POGNS,SysStart70 11:43:14.147 -> $POGNS,CPU=0x0000B0B21C506594,Address=0x506594,AddrType=3,Stealth=0,AcftType=0x1,FreqPlan=1,TxPower=+1461 11:43:14.147 -> $POGNS,Pilot=,Crew=,Reg=,Base=4D 11:43:14.147 -> $POGNS,Manuf=,Model=,Type=,SN=7E 11:43:14.147 -> $POGNS,Class=,ID=,Task=3A 11:43:14.147 -> TaskGPS: 11:43:14.147 -> $GNRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N4D

etc. etc...

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

I find it strange, it does not transmit: when it says it found the RF chip and the GPS has a lock then it should transmit OGN packets. I will check it wiht my hrdware.

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Thank you Pawel, Just klet me know how i can help

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

I just revised the code, compiled for T-Beam-S3 and it does transmit OGN status packets. At startup it prints: AXP2101 power/charge chip detected USB: 5.104V Batt: 0.000V RF chip detected

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

Hi Pawel,

tried now to load the new version but i think is even worst, now it does not recognize the RF Chip too:

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x12 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0030,len:1184 load:0x40078000,len:13104 load:0x40080400,len:3036 entry 0x400805e4 E (203) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found! E (203) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found! OGN-Tracker I2C scan: 0x34 0x3C 2 devices AXP power/charge chip NOT detected RF chip not detected: -2 $POGNS,SysStart*70

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

OK, this explaains why it does not transmit. Possibly, for this module I need to activate power line for this chip or something like that.

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

In the previous version the RF chip was detected, in the current one it is not. Maybe this helps...

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

Which exact profile you use ?

tfede37 commented 5 months ago

With the latest release i used the following one:

[env:ttgo-sx1276-tbeam] board = ttgo-lora32-v1 ; board = tbeam build_flags = -DTTGO_TBEAM -DRADIOLIB_GODMODE ; advanced functions are needed from the RadioLib -DWITH_ESP32 -DWITH_TBEAM10 -DWITH_SX1276 -DWITH_CONFIG ; allow to change parameters via serial console -DWITH_GPS_UBX -DWITH_GPS_PPS ; use the PPS of the GPS (not critical but gets betterr timing) -DWITH_GPS_CONFIG ; GPS can be adjusted for serial baud rate and navigation model -DWITH_AXP ; -DWITH_BT_SPP ; BT Standard Serial Port => connection to XCsoar, takes big resources in Flash and RAM -DWITH_LOOKOUT -DWITH_PFLAA

With the previous one i used the following: [env:ttgo-sx1276-tbeam] board = ttgo-lora32-v1 ; board = tbeam build_flags = -DTTGO_TBEAM -DRADIOLIB_GODMODE ; advanced functions are needed from the RadioLib -DWITH_ESP32 -DWITH_TBEAM10 -DWITH_SX1276 -DWITH_CONFIG ; allow to change parameters via serial console -DWITH_GPS_UBX -DWITH_GPS_PPS ; use the PPS of the GPS (not critical but gets betterr timing) -DWITH_GPS_CONFIG ; GPS can be adjusted for serial baud rate and navigation model -DWITH_AXP ; -DWITH_BT_SPP ; BT Standard Serial Port => connection to XCsoar, takes big resources in Flash and RAM -DWITH_LOOKOUT -DWITH_PFLAA

pjalocha commented 5 months ago

Let's open the case in the prrroper project: ogn-tracker about turrning on power for various elements, as I suspect this is the prroblem here.