pjcj / Devel--Cover

Code coverage metrics for Perl
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Using only DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS show all criteria to be collected in Cover DB #297

Open poornima-repo opened 2 years ago

poornima-repo commented 2 years ago

I am using only DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS and calling import during the execution of a perl script. I would like to collect only statement and subroutine and it is correctly doing that. But in the Cover DB I can see n/a for collected. Hence when report is generated from that Cover DB without specific options, it shows n/a for all the criteria. How can I fix this ? Usage: my $args = "-coverage,subroutine,statement"; require Devel::Cover; Devel::Cover->import($args);

But in cover.14, I see the following. "collected":["branch","condition","path","pod","statement","subroutine","time"]}}}

poornima-repo commented 2 years ago

Can you please let me know how I can fix this ?