pjcj / Devel--Cover

Code coverage metrics for Perl
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cpancover.com: link to distribution on MetaCPAN #321

Closed szabgab closed 1 year ago

szabgab commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if each report page would link to the page of the distribution on MetaCPAN. e.g. If this page: http://cpancover.com/latest//Month-Simple-0.04/index.html linked here: https://metacpan.org/dist/Month-Simple

pjcj commented 1 year ago

Hello Gábor, and thanks for the suggestion. I agree that this would be nice, but it would also be quite tricky. I believe there are lots of edge cases which metacpan has to deal with and I really don't want to deal with that as well.

But moreso, I don't think this is the direction I'd like to go in. I initially wrote the cpancover frontend as the only way to access the cpancover data. You can tell it's simplistic and clunky. We managed to get metacpan to link to cpancover and so most of the cpancover traffic comes through metacpan now. So I really want to reduce the functionality in the cpancover frontend rather than increase it. Unless someone wants to write a really nice frontend, but I'm sure I won't get around to doing that.

So I'm afraid I'll have to close this - sorry.