pjdohertygis / SARCOP

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Enhancement: Add a "Follow-up Status" field #19

Closed pjdohertygis closed 4 years ago

pjdohertygis commented 5 years ago

See video explanation here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN3JiJNir7Y&feature=youtu.be&hd=1

We need SAR Working Group feedback on this, but it needs to be implemented in early 2020.

The idea is we want to be able to filter by waypoints that require action. A field "Follow Up Status" or something similar could be created and only shows up when certain waypoints are selected by default or a user overrides it.

This might require a follow-up form is created, or additional questions added to the survey. See the follow-up survey enhancement, this might be the way to close-out follow-up. https://github.com/pjdohertygis/SARandFirstResponderSurvey/issues/31

This is critical to life-saving.

Field: Follow-Up Status Domains: Needs Follow-up (Red), Assigned (Yellow), Completed (Green) No Follow-up Needed (White)

Field: Follow-Up Type Text: A space for adding details on action needed.

Potential Additional Fields Field: Follow-up Details Text: who it has been assigned to, and/or an ability to link to other systems via web hooks (Workforce for ArcGIS, Slack, Trello, WebEOC, etc).

Field: Follow-Up Priority Text: High, Medium, Low -- This could potentially be automated based on number of people and type of follow-up needed.

Proof of Concept image

pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago

See the INSARAG Portal for some examples on how this can be implemented jeff.maunder@fire.org.nz; aidanelliot@gmail.com are willing to share their insights and documentation.



pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago


pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago

Here is the current FEMA Follow Up Form image

IsmaelInRedlands commented 4 years ago

I think we could model a follow-up workflow with the Survey123 Inbox. Essentially:

All the above is standard functionality. It is not widely known, but proven.

pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago

Remaining items to sort out -

  1. Default to Needs Followup for (Victim Detected, Victim Confirmed, HR Detected, etc.)
  2. Can we make fancy red, yellow, green, white buttons?
jdokemaps commented 4 years ago

@pjdohertygis Paul I created a Follow Up Status field with the following options: Needs Follow-Up, Assigned, Completed, no Follow-Up Needed. The field is populated using the following Calculation: if(${waypoint}='remains','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='confirm','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='detect','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='followup','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='fire','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='hazmat','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='block','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='other_haz','needs_followup',if(${waypoint}='search','needs_followup','no_followup')))))))))

I created a png with colors for each attribute to sit beside the choices.

If it gets marked as Assigned, then a new field displays: Assigned to.

A follow-up Priority field is also created when the follow-up status does not equal "No follow-up Needed". Options for this field include: Critical to Life Safety, High Importance, Not Critical. The field calculation for this field is:



pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago

@jdokemaps This looks really good but I think we should get feedback on the Follow-Up Priority categories or leave it out for now.

pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago


First test of a "Triage Dashboard"

epratt5 commented 4 years ago

I think this has made some really good progress. I like how it's turned out. The only thing that was confusing for me was understanding my assignments. I got it, but it definitely wasn't intuitive. I'm glad you walked through that in the video.

pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago

From Darryn at Sioux Falls Rescue "The updates are great. Specifically the areas of "need" and how the needs are being addressed. Great work."

dweber-mo commented 4 years ago

I think this work flow is okay but a few issues come to mind. Communication will likely need to happen outside 123 so field personnel know they are receiving an assignment (unless it is a team "do list"). I can envision searching differences resulting in a null result mistakenly. Also, it is critical that the field folks do not change the waypoint when completing an assignment. I can envision someone changing the waypoint as assignments are completed which is not correct. For example, if a victim is detected, then confirmed, then rescued over a period of time, the three waypoints need to remain and only the assignment state very. This would be an operator/system knowledge concern.

pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago

Suggestion from Damian CATF8, not to use the triage colors as a halo.

"This can be a boxed that is checked but should not have a Halo color attached. By it being a check box, you will still be able to utilize the data in the Triage Dashboard, it doesn’t need a color. Multiple meanings for the same color will be confusing to the end user. Polygon colors should coincide with the existing Search Colors (targeted, primary, secondary low/high, hasty, recon). In the Example to the right, the red color has 4 meanings. Keeping the root meaning of Recon with red (track, polygon, halo) in conjunction with the destroyed structure icon makes more sense."

pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago

Based on @dweber-mo concerns outlined above and testing with SCTF - we are revisiting the single vs multi-waypoint approach. There are pros and cons to both but we are leaning towards the multi-waypoint approach as it creates a better record of events and less likely to make mistakes in the field. This puts the honus on the ICP Team to help close out initial waypoints as completed.

Multiple Waypoint Pros:



Single Waypoint Pros:


pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago


We will try color-coding the inbox in more detail (red, yellow, green, white) or filter the inbox to only show needs follow-up, assigned since teams won't need to re-open completed and no follow-up needed.

pjdohertygis commented 4 years ago


It is REALLY important we train teams on how to filter the inbox by the map - then they can focus on what is relevant for them.

jdokemaps commented 4 years ago

Field added and will work with FEMA and SUSAR on workflow.