At the FEMA US&R Branch we are testing a prototype that allows us to update the status and availability of FEMA US&R Task Forces. It consists of a feature layer and table that is edited via Experience Builder and is summarized in a NRCC Dashboard. This is slightly different from the Team Fact Sheet because it has additional details such as Federal Operations Support vs Direct Federal Assistance, etc.
The problem is, the edits are "last in" and are not stored as tracked changes. This information is needed to document actions and adjudicate the "glide slop". We want a clean way to store the changes.
If we cannot get the archived information we need to help the Finance/Admin Team, then the application will have limited utility and be redundant with the current manual approaches.
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At the FEMA US&R Branch we are testing a prototype that allows us to update the status and availability of FEMA US&R Task Forces. It consists of a feature layer and table that is edited via Experience Builder and is summarized in a NRCC Dashboard. This is slightly different from the Team Fact Sheet because it has additional details such as Federal Operations Support vs Direct Federal Assistance, etc.
The problem is, the edits are "last in" and are not stored as tracked changes. This information is needed to document actions and adjudicate the "glide slop". We want a clean way to store the changes.
Use another platform? Keep using Excel?
Other Relevant Info
Editing App Link
Priority impact
p1 - time sensitive
If we cannot get the archived information we need to help the Finance/Admin Team, then the application will have limited utility and be redundant with the current manual approaches.