pje / WavTap

globally capture whatever your mac is playing—as simply as a screenshot
MIT License
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Desktop audio on Mac OS X El Capitan with WavTap. #68

Open theKarmelowaty opened 7 years ago

theKarmelowaty commented 7 years ago

Hello, I have a problem with streaming from OBS 0.12.4. I want to play music on stream, i have installed WavTap, but... it gives me a message "Kernel Extension not installed" http://prntscr.com/dlo52w

I don't know how to fix it. Here are my specs: http://prntscr.com/dlo6h5

I would ask for a detailed tutorial on the subject of this release os x and plugin / program WavTap. And I'm sorry for my English, but I am a Pole.

devinroth commented 7 years ago

Try my method that works on Sierra.

  1. Restart computer in recovery mode ⌘R

  2. In Terminal type

    csrutil disable

  3. Restart computer

  4. Run Installer