If I have say 10 panes open, and want to close them because I have finished with them, I have to do Cmd/CTRL+W 10x.
It would be useful if with e.g.Cmd/CTRL+Y (just an example) I could close all other panes, and with another shortcut close other panes in split.
Obsidian has a "close all other panes" command already built in, so all you need to do is assign a hotkey to it. Go to "hotkeys" in the preferences, and then type "close" in the search box, it'll come right up.
If I have say 10 panes open, and want to close them because I have finished with them, I have to do
10x. It would be useful if with e.g.Cmd/CTRL+Y
(just an example) I could close all other panes, and with another shortcut close other panes in split.