pjeby / tag-wrangler

Rename, merge, toggle, and search tags from the Obsidian tag pane
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Feature request: Select multiple tags for search #119

Open advert665 opened 10 months ago

advert665 commented 10 months ago

I really like this plugin, the only thing I miss from the vanilla version is the ability to hold control and select multiple tags for a search (in an ideal world I'd love to be able to alt click and exclude too). I don't use tag pages. Do you think it would be possible to add a menu to choose shift/control/alt + click functionality in the tag pane? Thanks!

pjeby commented 10 months ago

Do note that you can right-click and choose to add or remove tags or their exclusions via the popup menu.

But yes, I do plan to add some settings about it; I'm mostly stalled on design because I don't want to have to implement it twice, but it's not something I personally care about, and I'm not entirely sure how I want to prioritize the options. Further complicating things is #114, where some of those modifiers are also used by the Tag Folder plugin, or the possibility some people might want different functions for tags clicked in different places.

Personally, if I wanted to frequently use tag search control, I'd add some buttons to the UI to toggle include/exclude/don't-care, rather than using modifier keys or the menu options. Or I'd use TagFolder or another similar plugin. Currently I use it infrequently enough that menu options are fine for me personally.

My current thought is leaning towards having something like "Clicking tags opens tag pages:" with dropdown choices of Always, Never, When Tag Page Exists, and When Alt/Opt Is Down. I think for most people who don't like the current behavior, one of those options (e.g. Never) will likely suffice.