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Automate your life with Exobrain
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Debian Wheezy / Raspberry Pi instructions #51

Open BrettRD opened 10 years ago

BrettRD commented 10 years ago

Exobrain core does indeed run on the RPi! It's really slow, and would probably benefit from PersistentPerl. It's easily a seven hour install, so If this is a headless box, use screen so you can detatch.

Instructions: First problem: ZMQ3 doesn't have a package in debian/raspbian wheezy, you'll need install from source, don't install any zmq* packages, everything is in the source. (use screen, this can take a while) I tried a few different combinations of packages and installers, In the end I blew it away and did this: $wget http://Download.zeromq.org/zeromq-3.2.4.tar.gz $tar zxvf zeromq-3.2.4.tar.gz and in the new zeromq directory: $sudo ./configure; sudo make; sudo make install; sudo ldconfig It turns out that ldconfig (the linker) was important (who knew?)

The rest is from the normal instructions: $sudo apt-get install libexpat-dev libnet-ssleay-perl libnet-libidn-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl cpanminus make liblocal-lib-perl (I'll emphasise, using screen here!) $sudo cpanm Exobrain Forget the pizza, hit the town and come back tomorrow. $ubic start exobrain.core

For me, the actions wouldn't start because ~/ubic/service/exobrain was not marked executable. $chmod u+x ~/ubic/service/exobrain makes it all better. $ubic start exobrain.action.ping

Installing exobrain::Twitter Net::Twitter has a non-numeric version dependency, which chrashes cpanm, I had to setup cpan to install it. (setting up cpan takes longer than installing the module. use screen here too.)

That's as far as I've installed it, I'll add more here later when I come to it.

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