pjf / masterwork-dwarf-fortress

Patches and bugfixes applied to Meph's amazing Masterwork Dwarf Fortress
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Update to version 4i #133

Closed splintermind closed 10 years ago

splintermind commented 10 years ago

This updates all the files to 4i (as always more eyes to look over the changes would be good), fixes the most recently reported bugs, re-enables digging/razing again, and updates the settings GUI.

pjf commented 10 years ago

OMG, I adore you. I'm mid-trip (Canada last week, USA today, Australia on Monday), so I'm behind on all my SWP work.

Does this mean that 4i consists of a number of individually tracked changes in git? Because that's rather awesome. :)

splintermind commented 10 years ago

Well I guess some of them ended up that way, but these commits are mostly updates to the GUI to automagically find all the option's associated files. It's a bit slower on the initial loading, but this way files shouldn't be missed anymore, and fixes like the rabies can be done without a new exe.

All the 4i file changes were done outside of Git, so I manually merged them into another branch, and applied the few fixes and updates. So the 4i update is all in the a7c8378 commit.

splintermind commented 10 years ago

Meph had mentioned there was a new itemsyndrome script as well, so I've grabbed that too!

splintermind commented 10 years ago

And gnomes have just been updated again, lets add that as well.

pjf commented 10 years ago

Working on this now! :)

pjf commented 10 years ago

Resolutions as we go...

pjf commented 10 years ago

I love git so much.

git merge --strategy=recursive -Xtheirs splinterz/gold

pjf commented 10 years ago

And we're merged! Thank you so much! <3