pjf / masterwork-dwarf-fortress

Patches and bugfixes applied to Meph's amazing Masterwork Dwarf Fortress
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Non-simple minerals can't be processed at the ore processor #36

Open pjf opened 10 years ago

pjf commented 10 years ago

As per http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=133564.msg4810310#msg4810310 lots of minerals are included by default (search for YESMIN in inorganic_mineral.txt). Previous versions of masterwork had these minerals disabled by default.

I can't find any reactions that actually use these minerals, which makes having them enabled questionable at best. No reactions is probably a bug.

Potential solutions include adding reactions for all minerals in question, or removing them entirely. In the meantime, changing the distro so that 'simple minerals' is switched to on (encoded as !NOMIN! in the raws) seems like a sensible option to minimise pain.

pjf commented 10 years ago

Summoning @splintermind here for input. Is it reasonable if I flip simple minerals to on?

If these minerals really do have no reactions (I could be missing them), then I'm very much in favour of removing them entirely.

splintermind commented 10 years ago

Yeah that's fine. The settings program searches the raws when loading particular options, so as long as everything is flipped with the appropriate token flags, it'll be ok.

pjf commented 10 years ago

According to Meph the new minerals are automatically smeltable when appropriate, so they don't need custom reactions. So for now I'm closing this issue. :)

Thanks for your help, splinterz! ;)

~ pjf

pjf commented 10 years ago

Re-opening, because it seems from the forums that smelting non-simple minerals produces lots of slag (at least, that's being implied).

So either we want to remove non-simple minerals entirely (both the option in the setting program, and the entities from the raws), or we want to add them to the ore processor.