pjf / masterwork-dwarf-fortress

Patches and bugfixes applied to Meph's amazing Masterwork Dwarf Fortress
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Antmen, goblins, gremlins and kobolds civs never get spawned #58

Closed pjf closed 10 years ago

pjf commented 10 years ago

I wish I knew why.

See discussion starting roughly here.

All these races have their own entity files as part of @splintermind's settings changes, but I can't for the life of me figure out why they wouldn't be valid. ea7229b936e6c591354c5575c80b32a6be7c1986 adds [OBJECT:ENTITY] tags, but that still doesn't seem to be enough to have them generate.

splintermind commented 10 years ago

The files need to have a comment on the first line with the name of the file: entity_goblin for the entity_goblin.txt, entity_gremlin in entity_gremlin.txt etc. For some reason it won't read the files if they start with a comment and then [OBJECT:ENTITY]

It's also indicated that this is the correct format in the wiki: http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2012:Modding_guide#Modding_civilizations_.28entities.29 but it doesn't say exactly why it's necessary.

I've confirmed this working for kobolds, gremlins and goblins, but I still haven't seen any antmen in the world when checking with the legends viewer.

pjf commented 10 years ago

Thanks so much for helping spot what was going on here, @splintermind !

I'm going to mark this one closed for now, since we looks like we found the root issue.

I'm still not seeing many clockworks surviving worldgen, but that's a separate issue.