pjkundert / python-slip39

Generate Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. account seed and backup Mnemonics in SLIP-39 format (Trezor & Ledger compatible), with details in printable PDF format. Optionally, also print encrypted JSON and BIP-38 paper wallets.
50 stars 17 forks source link

Recovering from SLIP39 shards doesn't work in iancoleman.io/slip39 #22

Closed petre-c closed 5 days ago

petre-c commented 3 weeks ago

Using the slip39 python tool (on Ubuntu and on Windows):

(slip39) root@ubuntu-budgie:/home/ubuntu-budgie# slip39 -c BTC --secret "seven replace great luggage fox rent general tower guess inside smile sing" --text
2024-06-04 06:51:27 slip39           It is recommended to not use '-s|--secret <hex>'; specify '-' to read from input
2024-06-04 06:51:27 slip39           Assuming BIP-39 seed entropy: Ensure you recover and use via a BIP-39 Mnemonic
2024-06-04 06:51:27 slip39.layout    BTC    m/84'/0'/0'/0/0     : bc1qge8syuen26ayts4msnhw6x0yt2pxzv7htwd29t
SLIP39 First  1: either helpful acrobat romp cleanup inside syndrome syndrome various destroy helpful lair fatal fridge scatter papa hand nervous golden saver
SLIP39 Second 1: either helpful beard romp alto hush filter quiet speak fitness crush voter group august evaluate zero omit smart inherit sniff
SLIP39 Fam    1: either helpful ceramic roster crisis lying herd loyalty volume lend loan typical swimming jacket keyboard sack teammate forward flavor warmth
SLIP39 Fam    2: either helpful ceramic scared acne airport forget spirit gesture midst mansion artist various syndrome drink actress dictate webcam acquire similar
SLIP39 Fam    3: either helpful ceramic shadow domestic machine again mobile switch pecan organize deadline season database miracle edge evoke orange agency justice
SLIP39 Fam    4: either helpful ceramic sister beaver again demand ruin entrance rebound merchant slim trend magazine speak legal nylon duke fantasy entrance
SLIP39 Frens  1: either helpful decision round dryer silent remind august eyebrow election together cinema focus frost threaten geology emperor provide disaster lend
SLIP39 Frens  2: either helpful decision scatter cultural quiet enemy grasp thorn hearing weapon reaction axle quiet smear huge easel rocky mortgage angel
SLIP39 Frens  3: either helpful decision shaft dish isolate identify provide dramatic hobo shame listen artwork fake carve station papa decent firm finance
SLIP39 Frens  4: either helpful decision skin corner acquire maximum style lying else starting beam emission rocky desert sugar surface dynamic width sympathy
SLIP39 Frens  5: either helpful decision snake costume papa typical aviation leaf venture ultimate bulge pink emission adequate purple merchant genuine equation adjust
SLIP39 Frens  6: either helpful decision spider disease strike benefit gravity desire subject verify medical teaspoon plot cradle rocky trouble home thunder making
2024-06-04 06:51:29 slip39.layout    Writing SLIP39-encoded wallet for 'SLIP39' to: SLIP39-2024-06-04+06.51.29-BTC-bc1qge8syuen26ayts4msnhw6x0yt2pxzv7htwd29t.pdf

These share don't work in https://iancoleman.io/slip39 image

Shards recover the original bip39 seed using the slip39-recovery tool

(slip39) C:\Users\Petre>slip39-recovery --using-bip39 -m "either helpful acrobat romp cleanup inside syndrome syndrome various destroy helpful lair fatal fridge scatter papa hand nervous golden saver" -m "either helpful beard romp alto hush filter quiet speak fitness crush voter group august evaluate zero omit smart inherit sniff"
seven replace great luggage fox rent general tower guess inside smile sing

Interestingly, recovering BIP39 from SLIP39 shards generated with this tool DID work a while ago (2 months ago or so) on iancoleman.io/slip39

Can you point to another way of recovering the BIP39 seed from the SLIP39 shards generated with this tool?

If there is no other way to recover the shards produced by this tool except by using its own slip39-recovery, this tool becomes the single point of failure.

petre-c commented 3 weeks ago

Must reads: https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/bc-slip39?tab=readme-ov-file#known-issues https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/lethekit/issues/38 https://github.com/pjkundert/python-slip39/issues/4

petre-c commented 6 days ago

@pjkundert, kindly asking for your attention

petre-c commented 5 days ago

There is an issue with iancoleman.io/slip39 at the moment, making it impossible to combine SLIP39 shares.

Here's a PR fixing that issue https://github.com/iancoleman/slip39/pull/35