typedef struct detection{
box bbox;
int classes;
float prob;
float mask;
float objectness;
int sort_class;
} detection;
Does anyone know what " float *mask" means? The definition of "detection" is in darknet.h as above.
I saw it was used in "draw_detections" in image.c. But when I ran yolov2-tiny or yolov3-tiny, I found that it was always zero as it never printed "mask" as follows. So I am very curious about when will "mask" be used and what that means?
typedef struct detection{ box bbox; int classes; float prob; float mask; float objectness; int sort_class; } detection;
Does anyone know what " float *mask" means? The definition of "detection" is in darknet.h as above. I saw it was used in "draw_detections" in image.c. But when I ran yolov2-tiny or yolov3-tiny, I found that it was always zero as it never printed "mask" as follows. So I am very curious about when will "mask" be used and what that means?
if (dets[i].mask){ printf("mask\n"); image mask = float_to_image(14, 14, 1, dets[i].mask); image resized_mask = resize_image(mask, b.wim.w, b.him.h); image tmask = threshold_image(resized_mask, .5); embed_image(tmask, im, left, top); free_image(mask); free_image(resized_mask); free_image(tmask); }