Closed yujiny97 closed 5 years ago
Does detection work if you build with GPU=0, CUDNN=0? What about with GPU=1, CUDNN=0
Does detection work if you build with GPU=0, CUDNN=0? What about with GPU=1, CUDNN=0
I am having the same issue. Objects are not being detected using GPU = 1, CUDNN=1.Neither are they shown in shown in terminal ,nor bounding boxes are drawn around the objects in the predictions.jpg image. The program is running perfectly fine when compiled with GPU = 1 and CUDNN = 0 and is showing bounding boxes in predictions.jpg. I don't have openCV so I've compiled using OPENCV=0
@abhishekbaghel have you verified your CuDNN install as described here?
@LukeAI Yes I verified it right now.. CuDNN seems to be fine.. still no predictions.
Just realised YOLOv3-tiny is working fine. Yolov3-spp is working too.. with similar fps and accuracy.
Looks like an old bug..
@LukeAI @abhishekbaghel I tried it with GPU=1 CUDNN=0 OPENCV=1 and others =0 and it shows
darknet: ./src/cuda.c:36: check_error: Assertion 0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
like this. what is for OPENMP?? do this need any download??
I also tried yolov3-tiny but it doesn't work as well
@numuhwana try the following mandatory post installation steps of CUDA before compiling darknet See if it works.
@abhishekbaghel thank you so much for helping me! i got the solution, the problem was that version of cuda was not matched with GPU. my cuda's version was 9.0, so it didn't fit in RTX 2070.
@abhishekbaghel thank you so much for helping me! i got the solution, the problem was that version of cuda was not matched with GPU. my cuda's version was 9.0, so it didn't fit in RTX 2070.
I meet the same problem. Using Cuda 10.0 CUDNN 7.4 and set CUDNN=0 in makefile works fine
I changed makefile a bit.
did you add -gencode arch=compute_75,code=[sm_75,compute_75]
in the makefile for ARCH?
if this doesn't work just try
in yolov3.cfg file.
for CUDNN check if cudnn.h in the /usr/local/cuda/include and check libcudnn* in /usr/local/cuda/lib64
Guys, I have almost similar issue. CUDA - 9.0 cuDNN - 7.0.5 (I couldn't verify mnistCUDNN) I checked here - link Nvidia - Geforce 840m I tested on my web cam (GPU=1, CUDNN=0, OPENCV=1) it detects objects, but speed is very slow(5 fps) Since I think CUDNN installed (GPU=1, CUDNN=1, OPENCV=1) doesn't show anything, speed slower.
Do you have any idea how to compile GPU, CUDNN, OPENCV?
@LukeAI @abhishekbaghel @numuhwana Information in nvidia-smi shows usage of GPU. In his case 0 2421 G compiz 111MiB Am I right?
I have set all variables to zero in my Makefile, but I still can't get detections on the picture, my Makefile is like that:
and running command as follow:
./darknet detect cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/dog.jpg
my project directory is like this:
after running that command under this directory, there is only predictions.jpg added in this directory, and no detections on it.
Can anyone tell me what I do wrong?
firstly, i run the commands from
git clone
cd darknet
then, if i use yolov3,run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='7' ./darknet detect cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/dog.jpg
there is nothing, even i add "-thresh 0.03 ". then, i donot change anything, use yolov2:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='7' ./darknet detect cfg/yolov2.cfg yolov2.weights data/dog.jpg
it work! also, follow the idea
- use setting "GPU=1 CUDNN=0"
- make clean && make
now, yolov3 work.
@abhishekbaghel thank you so much for helping me! i got the solution, the problem was that version of cuda was not matched with GPU. my cuda's version was 9.0, so it didn't fit in RTX 2070.
I meet the same problem. Using Cuda 10.0 CUDNN 7.4 and set CUDNN=0 in makefile works fine
Upgrade to cuda10 and problem solved! Thank you, you saved my time~
I have set all variables to zero in my Makefile, but I still can't get detections on the picture, my Makefile is like that:
and running command as follow:
./darknet detect cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/dog.jpg
my project directory is like this:
after running that command under this directory, there is only predictions.jpg added in this directory, and no detections on it.
Can anyone tell me what I do wrong? maybe you should make first
my yolo stops on this process.. i don no whats the problem
my makefile is like this
and this is my nvidia-smi
when i try to execute this command under
./darknet detect cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/dog.jpg
it doesn't make any bounding box.. and i also tried -thresh 0.01 but it stops at at
opengl support available
and nothing is happend.. pls help me T.T