pjreddie / darknet

Convolutional Neural Networks
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run darknet from docker in different machines #1869

Open barzan-hayati opened 5 years ago

barzan-hayati commented 5 years ago

Hi @pjreddie . Thanks for your Darknet. run Darknet in docker image by saving docker image in first machine then, loading and shipping docker image to second machine

I have two machines: First Machine: RTX 2080 Ti with 11G memory Second Machine: Geforce 1050 Ti with 4G memory

I have downloaded a docker image with this specs:cuda9.2.148 cudnn7.5.0 opencv3.4.6 .

Then I pulled darknet from your repository and then make it.I could successfully train and test tiny-yolov2 in docker. then I commit this docker container, saved it to a .tar file and move this .tar file to another system and load this docker image. Now I want to test darknet in new system via loading docker image.

When I want to test darknet in new machine, by testing tiny-yolov2 it could not detect any objects .How should I resolve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Rajeshkumark2696 commented 2 years ago

You have to change the arch in the make file for different GPUs