pjreddie / darknet

Convolutional Neural Networks
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I am getting 100% prediections for everything.. #2009

Open vkrytpo opened 4 years ago

vkrytpo commented 4 years ago

I followed this, https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ and when I executed prediction command for dog.jpg . https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/

i got this as output.. ...... .... bench: 100% bird: 100% cow: 100% giraffe: 100% backpack: 100% umbrella: 100% handbag: 100% tie: 100% frisbee: 100% skis: 100% snowboard: 100% sports ball: 100% baseball glove: 100% skateboard: 100% tennis racket: 100% bottle: 100% cup: 100% fork: 100% knife: 100% bowl: 100% banana: 100% orange: 100% carrot: 100% pizza: 100% chair: 100% pottedplant: 100% bed: 100% diningtable: 100% toilet: 100% laptop: 100% mouse: 100% microwave: 100% oven: 100% sink: 100% refrigerator

and the prediction image looks like this. predictions

any suggestions will be great for me.

zhd633 commented 4 years ago

I followed this, https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ and when I executed prediction command for dog.jpg . https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/

i got this as output.. ...... .... bench: 100% bird: 100% cow: 100% giraffe: 100% backpack: 100% umbrella: 100% handbag: 100% tie: 100% frisbee: 100% skis: 100% snowboard: 100% sports ball: 100% baseball glove: 100% skateboard: 100% tennis racket: 100% bottle: 100% cup: 100% fork: 100% knife: 100% bowl: 100% banana: 100% orange: 100% carrot: 100% pizza: 100% chair: 100% pottedplant: 100% bed: 100% diningtable: 100% toilet: 100% laptop: 100% mouse: 100% microwave: 100% oven: 100% sink: 100% refrigerator

and the prediction image looks like this. predictions

any suggestions will be great for me.

same question.did you solve the problem?