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Convolutional Neural Networks
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Just Train Network for Pedestrian Detection #747

Open ahkarami opened 6 years ago

ahkarami commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have a general question. In the VOC and COCO datasets there are some classes (e.g., 20 or 80 classes (person, car, horse, etc.) for object detection). If one train the network just for one class (e.g., just the person class) will the accuracy (mAP) of person detection increase? Another question, does anyone train the YOLO v3 on pedestrian detection data sets (e.g., Caltech)?

jjehl commented 6 years ago

one calss =>Not really more accurate but faster. Coco is a good dataset for pedestrian.

sunshinezhihuo commented 6 years ago

I also want to train network for pedestrian detection .What should the classes set? classes =1? or classes =2? 2 means that background and person. Please tell me, thank you! @ahkarami @jjehl

TheMikeyR commented 6 years ago

@sunshinezhihuo you don't want to detect background so you should not have background included in the class set.

Just classes=1, and update the filters and files related correctly.

It's good to have negative images in your dataset (e.g. related images with no persons at all, then darknet will learn to filter the background away upon detection).

sunshinezhihuo commented 6 years ago

@TheMikeyR OK,thank you very much.

marpemad commented 6 years ago

Hi, i would like to train a model just for pedestrian and animals.

Thank you for your great work!

Paul0629 commented 6 years ago

I trained my yolo v3 using coco person and voc person. The loss is below 1. But the detect result is not that good while the pretrained model from the autuor works really well. I don't know why.

ahkarami commented 6 years ago

Dear @Paul0629, I think your work is valuable. Have you used the default hyper-parameters of YOLO v3? I think, it is better to change the default hyper-parameters for this task. For example change the anchor boxes. You can refer to training Yolo on the Cityscapes dataset

bit-scientist commented 5 years ago

can anyone share better yolo .cfg model filw and corresponding .weights file for better pedestrian detection? Thanks in advance!

Mythili-pixel commented 4 years ago

What should I do for pedestrian detection alone