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Convolutional Neural Networks
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How to convert coco/ VOC labels to yolo format? #969

Closed JohnWnx closed 6 years ago

JohnWnx commented 6 years ago

How can I obtain the bounding box labels from mscoco data set and convert them into labels for yolov3?

JohnWnx commented 6 years ago


sarveshj commented 5 years ago

check out this : https://bitbucket.org/yymoto/coco-to-yolo

cindyweng commented 4 years ago

Figured I'd share something I put together for my own use this weekend:

I've created a single-file python script that downloads COCO images by category (e.g. "person"), converts the bounding box coordinates into YOLO format and writes them to .txt files.


devrimcavusoglu commented 2 years ago

I made a light-weight and easy to use package that supports conversion between any bounding-box type.
