pjvds / ncqrs

Ncqrs Framework - The CQRS Framework for .NET
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Added Azure Event Store using the feature event envelope branch #25

Closed 628426 closed 13 years ago

628426 commented 13 years ago

Added Azure Event Store project Found and fixed problem with versioning that was causing ConcurrencyException in all Stores

pjvds commented 13 years ago

Awe-freaking-some! :)

jasondentler commented 13 years ago

Broken build. See http://redmine.ncqrs.org/issues/show/79

jasondentler commented 13 years ago

The build was broken before your pull request was applied. It's not your fault. Here's the build log.

After applying your pull request, the build is still broken. Here's the build log. This is an automated message.