pjvds / ncqrs

Ncqrs Framework - The CQRS Framework for .NET
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Postgre event store + other #39

Closed mynkow closed 13 years ago

mynkow commented 13 years ago
pjvds commented 13 years ago

Thanks for the changes!

I pulled this, but reviewed it afterwards. Not the best idea though. My bad.

The main concern is you added AggregateRootId for entity events. Is there a reason for this? You can retrieve that information from the event envelope.

I'll fix the other stuff myself.

mynkow commented 13 years ago

Yes, I am using Ncqrs.NServiceBus message. There is no envelop there. This was the simplest thing I came up. Is that bad to have a readonly property there?

pjvds commented 13 years ago

The idea is that we want to be as clean as possible. You could add your own interface with the property when you need it. But I advice to add a meaning full property like OrderId, that refers to the parent order.

What is your thought?