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Enhance SQL Event Store Creation #97

Closed theBoringCoder closed 11 years ago

theBoringCoder commented 11 years ago

Added schema test to EXISTS queries in Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.SQL.TableCreationScript.sql that wrap table & index creation.

Added Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.SQL.ConstraintCreationScript.sql to the Ncqrs project, and moved CONSTRAINT creation from Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.SQL.TableCreationScript.sql to Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.SQL.ConstraintCreationScript.sql.

Modified Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.SQL.MsSqlServerEventStore to run TableCreationScript.sql and then ConstraintCreationScript.sql when InitializeEventStore() is called.

Sorted the constants in Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.SQL.Queries

Updated Samples/MyNotes/README.md for correctness, grammar, and spelling.

Updated Samples/MyNotes/MyNotesReadModel.sql for readability

Updated Samples/MyNotes/MyNotesEventStore.sql to put it in line with Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.SQL.TableCreationScript.sql

pjvds commented 11 years ago

Looks good. Our schema was tuned by the DBA's on the team. Never really added it back to the creation script and therefor glad your shared your changes.