pk-fr / yakpro-po

YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator
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double $ get the PHP Notice: Undefined variable #90

Closed oohook closed 3 years ago

oohook commented 3 years ago

When i run the target code ,i got the PHP Notice: Undefined variable hello in xxx.

source code $hello = 'yakpro'; $yakpro = 'hello'; echo $$yakpro;

I found a way to fixed it, in the yakpro-po.cnf to set the t_ignore_variables like this $conf->t_ignore_variables = ['hello'];

Any other solution in the feature? @pk-fr

pk-fr commented 3 years ago

please refer to "Hints for preparing your Software to be run obfuscated" section of

Do not use indirect variable names!
    $$my_var = something;
or put all the variable names you use indirectly in the $conf->t_ignore_variables array!