pk-fr / yakpro-po

YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator
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failure on define #92

Closed X25guru closed 3 years ago

X25guru commented 3 years ago

The statement: $foo = 'FOO'; define($foo, 'BAR');

Error: your use of define() function is not compatible with yakpro-po! Only 2 parameters, when first is a literal string is allowed...

Is there a workaround for this? an ignore? To have a whole project fail for this is quite frustrating.

kwoods1911 commented 11 months ago

Did you find a solution to this issue ? I am having the same error.

X25guru commented 11 months ago

The workaround is to change your defines or to use global variables instead. As you can see the project is a black hole in terms of support so you kind of have to fit your code around it. Itt was a while ago so I don't remember exactly but I think I converted to global variables. It was a PIA but once dont the thing works well