pk-hack / CoilSnake
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Decompiling CCScript Error #253

Open ksaOfficial opened 2 years ago

ksaOfficial commented 2 years ago

So this Error Never happened to me anyway, so i got this error while decompiling CCScript, here is the error: Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "coilsnake\ui\", line 240, in decompile_script File "site-packages\ccscriptwriter-1.2-py3.7.egg\CCScriptWriter\", line 396, in outputDialogue File "site-packages\ccscriptwriter-1.2-py3.7.egg\CCScriptWriter\", line 420, in outputToCoilSnakeProject KeyError: 16287395

i have no idea what this is can somebody help me with this? OS: Windows 10 32-bit System Coilsnake: 4.0 ROM: Original thats it