pk-hack / CoilSnake
GNU General Public License v3.0
158 stars 37 forks source link

Overall sugestions #268

Open Draft-Fusion opened 1 year ago

Draft-Fusion commented 1 year ago

Make a simple load, save, and export for the rom and not 5-6 different options.

When picking tiles make it scroll able from left to right. When clicking on tiles to place them it feel extremely slow! When editing door and jumping to destinations it feel confusing due to the fact that you have to guess what door you are looking for and there is no sign of animations or anything giving feed back to the user editing doors.

Make a editor for the music as the trackers used in the suggestions has a weird line reader from the top of whatever part of the song you are trying to edit.

When expanding the rom you should be able to have longer "Name your character text" as it is odd that you can expand the rom but not increase text length? The tool also will complain "6 bytes" when it should say char / characters for string

The animations for backgrounds could also use its own editor as it feels complicated to edit without visuals.

Map sprite editor needs a option to edit code in a simple way rather then remembering a number to then look though countless files to hopefully find what you are looking for.

Hot spots in the map editor should really just be called events / event editor

When using the "enemy editor" you cannot tell yet again what you are editing unless you wrote down every single enemy cluster

Output ymls are great although they need to be organizer for users to find what they need faster!

When looking at text addresses I feel that is not even helpful if you are using this tool at all! as there is simply no way to even tell where or what they due.

Earthbounds character stats are set to number but there is no way to edit the randomized amount ones when you would normally play the game. -Edit while writing this: Its under stats_growth_vars again.. wouldn't have even found this if I didn't look hard enough for this file..

What is attract mode even for? All we get are numbers for.. who knows what?

Store editor, great! more numbers to yet again something? (Also we do not even know what store is what we only get store numbers)

timed_delivery_table would be cool to use yet again if we know what the number where and what they did.

used_ranges is more of a tool config file not sure why we need this in the de-compile section, perhaps either a different name for this file or just something else for this option instead?

window_configuration_table seems cool on paper and yet again you have no clue what window belongs to what due to it being numbers in general..

Community Showcase shows many older projects and most likely they are just hand picked from the old forum sites main page that never got updated in a decade.

Battle background suggestions tools (Nuearthbound & DieBack) would do you no good as they do not even support the tool so why bother?

When referring to:

For example, zSNES being bad, but why?

Over all I would say this tool is about 4.5/10 it needs a lot of work especially in the explanation department.

Honestly I personally wouldn't ever got to the forum as it just feels like a bothersome thing. I really like earthbound and its community as a whole but I wouldn't ever like to join a forum where I feel like I won't get answers and if I submit a question it will likely be taken down due to it "already being answered". If we want more people to enjoy this experience we need to make more clear and understandable tools.

Supremekirb commented 1 year ago

For future reference, the issues section is for bugs, not feature suggestions! If you want to ask about features, do it on the PK Hack discord. There's no guarantee that anyone's going to make them.

A lot of your questions can be answered in the wiki if you look for the right pages, or tutorials on youtube (google is your friend sometimes!). Read through this and you may find a lot of your questions being answered.

Unfortunately, things that you've complained are "just numbers" are like that simply because of how the game works. They are not internally labelled, so coilsnake can't provide any, however the ccscript reference lists where things like windows are used where. If you use the "decompile script" function in coilsnake, you can search for text address labels in the .ccs files it generates, but aliases are completely out of the question here due to the simple sheer size of this game's script. Nobody's going to go through that, figure out where it's used in the game, and generate a name for it.

Character names are as long as they are for a reason, and there's not going to be a cure-all solution for it anytime soon. The entire game is built around names being as long as they are. Some romhacks have found creative ways around this, such as creating a new letter which is just two others crammed into one graphic, but this is situational and coilsnake couldn't possibly straight-up extend the limit.

You can figure out how you want to change stats using the level up formula found here, or just testing it in the game.

There is a music tracker, EBMusEd, which you can find here. It's all we've got, and it does have a bit of a learning curve. Again check out youtube for some really good tutorials, it's a fun program to use once you've learned it.

ZSNES is bad because it offers poor and inaccurate emulation. That's it. There's better stuff out there, such as what's found at the top of a google search for "snes emulator"

A lot of issues here are for the project editor found at this repo, which is packaged with coilsnake. That program is decades old and was taken directly from the old hacking tool, JHack. People have tried to make it better but it's kind of a mess code-wise. People have tried to make it better.

Again I will reiterate please only use the issue tracker for bugs, not wishlists.