pk-hack / CoilSnake
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Concerning File Selection window #291

Closed Px-Ch closed 4 months ago

Px-Ch commented 4 months ago

So, one user asked it before, but how can we change the length of these purple rectangles in the file menu? image I checked MOTHER 2, and all of these rectangles have different widths in Japanese, so I think each one is editable somehow. If there is a way, I would be really grateful for any help. Maybe I could just ignore it, but my text happens to be much longer than the rectangles so it doesn't look good.

PhoenixBound commented 4 months ago

The highlighting code for menus seems to have never been fixed in the English version to understand how wide the characters of the font are in English, it just assumes every character is 8 pixels wide:

To fix that, some extra code is needed:

import asm65816

// Change the max number of highlighted tiles, for menu options in the file select menu
ROM[0xC11DC6] = LDA_i (-1)

// Fix a bug in the highlighting routine, to make it read the font widths when choosing whether to highlight tiles
ROM[0xC43C20] = STZ_d (0x00)
ROM[0xC43C59] = JML (new_highlight_loop)

new_highlight_loop: {
    LDX_d (0x14) // X = window
    LDA_x (0x0015) // A = font number
    // multiply by 12, size of the font table
    STA_d (0x0A)
    ADC_d (0x0A)
    // we don't need to add any offsetof junk, because the widths are the first thing in the table
    // add to address of the font table
    ADC_i (0xF054)
    STA_d (0x0A)
    LDA_i (0x00C3)
    STA_d (0x0C)
    // A = hiword(widths table), X = loword(widths table)
    LDA_dl (0x0A)
    INC_d (0x0A)
    INC_d (0x0A)
    LDA_dl (0x0A)
    // so store them here
    STA_d (0x0C)
    STX_d (0x0A)
    // and index this array using the current character
    LDA_dl (0x06)
    SBC_i (0x0050)
    AND_i (0x007F)
    ADC_d (0x0A)
    STA_d (0x0A)
    LDA_dl (0x0A)
    AND_i (0x00FF)
    // and add the width we just read to $00
    ADC_d (0x00)
    STA_d (0x00)

    LDA_d (0x00)
    BMI_a (_rest_of_highlight_loop)

    SBC_i (7)
    STA_d (0x00)

    LDY_d (0x12)
    LDX_d (0x14)
    LDA_x (0x000A)
    LDA_d (0x18)
    LDA_d (0x04)
    BEQ (6)
        JSL (0xEF00E6)
        BRA (4)
    JSL (0xEF00BB)

    INC_d (0x10)
    INC_d (0x04)
    INC_d (0x04)
    DEC_d (0x16)
    // make sure we don't exceed the max that the caller requested, even in this loop
    BNE_a (_inner_loop)
    // if we do, stop right away
    JML (0xC43C98)

    INC_d (0x06)
    JML (0xC43C8D)

I tested this code for a bit, and I think it works? (as mentioned on the Discord server)

Px-Ch commented 4 months ago

Yes, it works just fine, thanks!