pkalogiros / AudioMass

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how to use USB mic? #87

Open Android986player opened 2 months ago

Android986player commented 2 months ago

how do I use a USB mic with this I plan on getting an aux mic to USB converter to digitize my cassettes (I'm on chrome os btw)

suterma commented 2 months ago

Interestingly, it does not seem to ask or even use the microphone permission. I connected a Bluetooth headphone which has the headset profile (Sony 1000xm3), but AudioMass did not recognise it, even though I explicitly allowed microphone usage in the permissions box for

It says "no microphone permissions found!", upon clicking the record button. I am on Ubuntu/Chromium, but this should no difference here.

I would think that this is the same for a USB-based microphone/converter/line-in device.

suterma commented 2 months ago

The above said, @Android986player, and in no way trying to diminish the accomplishments of AudioMass, it is maybe not the best tool for longer recordings (e.g. 60 minute cassettes), as it's web based and thus somewhat limited in performance, both CPU- and memory-wise.

I would suggest to use a native tool for this specific task, depending on your platform. Ardour seems the go-to tool, but there are plenty of options.

Android986player commented 1 month ago

the way I intend on doing it is by using my boombox's headphones output and I will use the USB converter as the mic

Android986player commented 1 month ago

the way I would do it is using the boombox's headphones output as the mic in the USB converter as I have done this on windows with audacity but my windows PC broke down so I'm using a school chromebook