pkamb / PowerKey

Remap your Macbook's power key to Forward Delete
MIT License
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OS X Yosemite #26

Closed NeodymiumPhish closed 9 years ago

NeodymiumPhish commented 10 years ago

pkamb, awesome work on your app, love it! Just out of curiosity, have you looked into building this for OS X Yosemite? I have no idea how to go about doing this myself, and I understand that plenty of developers don't like building for beta releases, but I was just curious whether you were in the works on this or if it was one of those things where you planned on waiting for the final release first.


pkamb commented 9 years ago

Hi @phishfi, sorry for the delay on this. Thanks for creating an issue.

I unfortunately haven't yet been able to devote much time to testing (or upgrading to!) Yosemite.

Can anyone chime in here about their experiences using PowerKey with Yosemite?

mitchellkrogza commented 9 years ago

I just found your app, tried it on Yosemite but it does not seem to work. Have I missed something or does it just not work on Yosemite yet? Would love to have a simple delete button instead of FN+<

HereThereBeMonsters commented 9 years ago

Hi pkamb,

I tried it on Yosemite.

New to Mac, so I don't know how it worked before.

But here on Yosemite, new Macbook pro 15", it doesn't work very well. Sometimes it works, and sometimes there is a delay, os some key strokes don't work and the following work. It also seems that you have to press the key down stronger than normal keys and actually hold it down for a fraction of a second for the keystroke to be registered. Maybe that is a "feature" of the keyboard, at the hardware or driver level ?

Too bad, I miss my del key badly !!

pkamb commented 9 years ago

It also seems that you have to press the key down stronger than normal keys and actually hold it down for a fraction of a second for the keystroke to be registered.

Yes, everything you're describing seems to be from Issue #1. Glad to hear it's working in Yosemite for firm key presses. I'll be doing some testing myself soon.

KusDen commented 9 years ago

Hi, guys. Thank you for the app. But while it is in a process of getting better for Yosemite, can you describe how to restore Power button actions? I killed the process by instruction in application via terminal. Now I'd like my Power button bring my Mac to sleep mode immediately after pushing. Is it possible?


pkamb commented 9 years ago

If the app is not running, the system behavior will occur. Reset the system to "sleep immediately" with:

defaults write PowerButtonSleepsSystem -bool YES

KusDen commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much!


pkamb commented 9 years ago

Closing this ticket now that El Capitan is out. Please open a new ticket if you see any issues in the new OS!