pkamenarsky / atea

A minimalistic menu bar time tracker for MacOS
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Menu items not clickable #18

Closed macarthy closed 12 years ago

macarthy commented 12 years ago

For some reason I can't click the menu items. Even the Quit Atea item doesn't work.

I'm on

OsX 10.6.8


java version "1.6.0_29" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11-402-10M3527) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.4-b02-402, mixed mode)

Any ideas?

macarthy commented 12 years ago

I should clarify, the menu does close but the timer doesn't start; or in the case of the Quit Atea item, the app does not quit.

Using the dmg version 1.0.1


pkamenarsky commented 12 years ago

We have identical systems. What's in your cfg file (~/.atea)?

macarthy commented 12 years ago

Just this

{:file "/Users/macarthy/tasks.txt"}

macarthy commented 12 years ago

Figured out something , I had a tasks-times.csv, which I deleted and now I can click the items.

I think the issue is I had no tasks file when I started the app. But it still create the times file. when I later created the task file I the items are not clickable.

Going to learn some closure in a few weeks, I'll dig into the code then :-)

ecarter commented 12 years ago

Had the exact same issue, same setup. Ended up deleting the default tasks.txt & tasks-times.csv and added the bash script to my bin path, opting not to have the default file but rely on a tasks alias to switch between task files.

The ability to quickly switch tasks files in terminal + native app is a win. Love the simplicity, can easily see this becoming something I rely on daily.

pkamenarsky commented 12 years ago

@macarthy Ah! That helps - I had something similar happen to me but thought I fixed it. I'll take a look.

For now a quick fix would be to delete the csv file, add something to the task file and then start up atea - then it should work normally.

pkamenarsky commented 12 years ago

pkamenarsky commented 12 years ago

Please close if fixed.

ecarter commented 12 years ago

1.0.3 is working as expected for me. Will let @macarthy do the honors since he opened it.