pkerspe / ESP-FlexyStepper

This library is used to control one or more stepper motors from an ESP32 device. It is based on the FlexyStepper library by S.Reifel but provides some additional functionality
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Sign Ignored in stepper.moveRelativeInSteps #19

Closed HoinJitGub closed 3 years ago

HoinJitGub commented 3 years ago


Issue using Example1_BasicStepper.ino

  1. Built ESP_FlexyStepper for ESp32_Devkitc_V4 with VSCode, PlatformIO on Ubuntu 18.4, using a TB660 driver. The motor only spins in the same direction with both of the statements stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(200) & stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(-200).

  2. Built FlexyStepper for ESp32_Devkitc_V4 with VSCode, PlatformIO on Ubuntu 18.4, using a TB660 driver. The motor only spins in the same direction with both of the statements stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(200) & stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(-200).

  3. Built FlexyStepper for Arduino ZERO with VSCode, PlatformIO on Ubuntu 18.4, using a TB660 driver. The motor only spins in the same direction with both of the statements stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(200) & stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(-200).

  4. Built FlexyStepper for Arduino UNO with VSCode, PlatformIO on Ubuntu 18.4, using a TB660 driver. The motor spins in opposite directions with stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(200) & stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(-200).

  5. Built FlexyStepper for Arduino UNO & ZERO with Arduino IDE in Windows using a TB660 driver. The motor spins in opposite directions with stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(200) & stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(-200) for both the ZERO & UNO.

Has this situation arisen before with ESP_FlexyStepper? Any suggestions on how to remedy it?

pkerspe commented 3 years ago


as for your issued: 1.) I would guess the direction pin is not connected correctly 2.) not sure what the difference is to one 3.) same issue with direction pin 4.) not sure how to eyplain that, other then you setup the GPIO Pins differently or wired it up differently 5.) not sure, I cannot support Arduino and FlexyStepper LIbrary (maintained by another developer)

So what you are saying only combination 4 and 5 are working as intended, right?

I suggest you check your wiring and the documentation of your TB660 driver in regards to the direction PIN. According to the data sheet of this IC, PIN 22 is the CW/CCW Pin. How did you connect it to the ESP32 and how did you configure the GPOIO PIN MODE?

Update: you might want to check the datasheet in the electrical characteristics if your voltage levels are sufficient when driving the CW/CCW Pin. Arduino might have 5 V while ESP32 only uses 3.3V. So you might need a level shifter depending on the supply voltage you use to drive the TB660 (even though the datasheet stated that high level is considered anything between 2 and 5.5 V, so it should work with the ESP32 to, but it certainly depends on the wiring you are using. The CW Pin seems to have some internal pulldown in the TB660 and a current limiting resistor. You can just try to directly connect the CW/CCW Pin to 3.3V without any resistor. Then send pulse/Step signales and see if the motor moves. Then remove the connection to the CW/CCW Pin and send more step signales, now the direction should change (the internal pull down of the TB660 should pull the pin Low). If this works the you have an issue in driving the CW/CWW with the proper voltages. A level shifter could help or you setup the ESP32 incorrectly.

HoinJitGub commented 3 years ago


I thank you for your prompt and detailed response.

Test 2. As ESP-FlexyStepper was derived from FlexyStepper, the latter was tested with an ESP32 to determine whether this issue was solely related to the extensions in ESP-FlexyStepper; Test 2. demonstrates that it is not.

Test 3. demonstrates that the issue is not restricted to the ESP32.

Test 4. demonstrated that the TB6600 was working correctly at 5V logic.

Test 5. demonstrated that the TB6600 was working correctly with the ZERO at 3.3V logic and the UNO at 5V logic whilst employing FlexyStepper, which failed in Test 2., as did ESP32-FlexyStepper in Test 1.

The Arduino board results were included to demonstrate that it is not obviously a voltage or wiring issue. Also a TXS0108E logic level converter was employed without effect with the ESP32. All three boards powered the TB6600 logic at 5V but the logic pins of the ESP32 & ZERO are 3.3V. The TB6600 is a complete driver unit, not just the chip itself, which may in fact be a cheaper Toshiba variant. The internal wiring has not been investigated.

As FlexyStepper had the same issue, the results for UNO & ZERO are potentially informative for ESP-FlexyStepper and these other boards shows that the issue is not board specific, as the same code, excepting pin assignment was used.The ESP32 & ZERO used pins Step=3, Direction =4, UNO used Step=11, Direction =12.

I will try the suggested " directly connect the CW/CCW Pin to 3.3V without any resistor".

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

I close this issue here, since I do not see this as a problem of the library, but feel free to reply to my response and we can discuss further on this topic

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

please post the link to the datasheet of the exact stepper driver Unit you are using, maybe I can have a look at it. Which tools do you have available for hardware analysis? Multimeter, Oscilloscope, Data Logger?

HoinJitGub commented 3 years ago

I suggest that you wait until I have applied your test and renewed all of the wiring on Wednesday. I have a logic analyser with pulseView and will use it if the issue persists.

The driver was supplied without documentation. However it appears to be one of many clones, such as

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

Did you use the Common Cathode or Common Anode wiring setup?

HoinJitGub commented 3 years ago

These tests were Common Anode. I will also try Common Cathode with this library tomorrow. Both were used successfully with previous UNO tests in Arduino IDE.