pkerspe / ESP-FlexyStepper

This library is used to control one or more stepper motors from an ESP32 device. It is based on the FlexyStepper library by S.Reifel but provides some additional functionality
MIT License
143 stars 30 forks source link

keywords? #40

Closed billbill100 closed 2 weeks ago

billbill100 commented 5 months ago

Hi, no matter how hard I look, I cannot find any keyword list? I just want a simple stepper start & stepper stop, for continuous rotation. I can find emergency stop in an example, but nothing else. sorry to post here, cannot find any other on-line reference, tutorial for this library.

I like the idea of running it on core 0. Have tries continuous stepper library, but it somehow gets interfered with when the tft screen updates.

pkerspe commented 5 months ago

I guess you are looking for the jogging function.