pkerspe / ESP-StepperMotor-Server

Turn your ESP32 into a complete stepper motor control server with web UI, REST API and serial control interface
MIT License
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Robot arm? #10

Closed JuniorGamingTime closed 3 years ago

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

I'm not the best with code so I like the simplicity of this library, but I was curious if this could be used with normal 3d printer drivers? Like the a4988. I'm thinking of building a robot arm with 6 steppers and 2 servos. Would this library be useful for this?

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

I never worked with the a4988 driver series, but it seems it has a step and a dir pin, so it should work with the library indeed. Every driver that works with just these two pins will work with the library.

In the unlikely case the driver requires 5V signals (it seems the a4988 works just fine with 3.3V) you need to integrate a level shifter, but I assume even 5V operated drivers should work with the 3.3v signals provided by the ESP.

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

Oh, servos are not yet supported in the library, but I was already thinking about that too for a future release.

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

oh thats good to know might try some TMC2100s then so its more quite for the smaller stepper, and for something like the nema 23s I can use those bigger drivers. I've been wanting a little challenge with 3D modeling so decided on a robot so please keep us all updated if you add servo support soon. With your library this would be a huge weight lifted and would make the robot arm more of a possibility, thanks alot

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

Hi so im finally for the ESP32 and some of the motor controllers to start my robot arm project. im having issues even starting with the install.

I'm using PlatformIO in visual studios and used the "Github Desktop" App. I cant seem to find the platformio.ini file or the "main.cpp" file. I just made the ini file would i need to do the same for the main.cpp file? and how does the code know where i plug in stuff and how many steppers i have? is it all via the GUI?

Thanks in advance really excited to get this started :D

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

So i managed to flash the esp32 but im getting this error and the UI is not working: [vfs_api.cpp:22] open(): File system is not mounted

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

It seems you did not initialise the SPIFFS (file system of the ESP). You need to format the file system or use the upload filessystem function in platformio to upload the contents of the "data" folder.

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

Oh, and the setup of the pins / connected Stepper drivers can be done via the user interface once you are done with the SPIFFS upload. You can also configure it via code (hardcoded config), but the UI is probably the preferred way.

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

Cool ill give that a try here soon ive never done this with the ESP32 and new to PlatformIO

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

So im trying to "Build Filesystem Image" and i get this error image

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

copy the data folder from the example directory into your project root folder and try again

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

added the files and still getting the same error image

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

Ok finally seems like i got the UI to show up ill keep updating here is any issues

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

You need to copy the folder "data" into the root, not only the files from within the data folder. But I guess you figured that out by now :-)

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

So i have everthing connected (just a nema 23 with a TB6600) like in the diagram but the motor is not turning. is this setup right? image

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

first of all you should probably not use PINs 1 and 3, check the Pin Out Diagramm of the ESP32 and which Pins are safe to use as outputs:

It is safer to use e.g. Pin 16 and 17 since it does not have any other functions during boot process or for serial communication etc. (Make sure you really have the right pin out diagram for your specific ESP32 board, so you really use the right pins)

If it still does not work, check your power supply for the stepper driver. Also if you had a oscilloscope you could check the output of the configured pins, if signals are being send when you send some move commands to the ESP Stepper Motor Server.

Is there any output on the serial console when you send move commands?

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

so i tested 16, 17 and 33,32 for the pins and still nothing. i swapped the driver and no change. if i unplug the enable pin the stepper locks up so it seems like both are working. and how can i see the serial console? and power supply is at a solid 12v and the wiring is the same as in the example just different step and dir pins.

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

Can you post a wiring diagramm? Especially for the enable pin you are talking about. It should be permanently connected to ground or vcc e.g. 3.3 or 5V (depending on the stepper driver).

To connect to the serial console you can use any serial tool you want or just use the serial monitor in PlatformIO. See platformIO manual on how to start the serial console and configure the baud rate in platformio.ini

maybe also the 3.3V of the ESP is not enough and you need to integrate a level shifter to 5V for step and dir pin signales.

Test completely without the ESP32: Do you get a movement when you connect step pin of the driver directly to 3.3V and then tap the dir pin of the driver to the 3.3V power rail repeatedly? The stepper should then perform a single step each time you connect to vcc. If this does not work, your wiring is wrong in general.

Also: Did you connect the ground of the ESP with the ground of the Stepper driver?

It would be easier if you post a complete wiring diagramm

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

Sorry i cant seem to understand or get the part (like the tb6600) into Fritzing. on the TB6600: ENA-, DIR-. PUL- are going to negative 5V ENA+ to +5V DIR+ to D32 (GPIO32) PUL+ to D33 (GPIO33)

ESP32: VIN to +5V GND to -5V

i tested with ground of the ESP to the Ground of the Stepped driver with no change

Also i get this in the serial. only sends that when i refresh image

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

are you sure you have negative 5V? Or do you mean Ground?

Have you tried connecting DIR+ to 5V permanently and then tapping (pulsing) PUL+ to 5V as well multiple times? (nothing connected to the ESP32) Each time you touch +5V with the PUL+ line, the stepper should perform a single step. If not, then your wiring is wrong (maybe 12V Power supply not connected correct, you did not mention it at all in your wiring, or the stepper is not corrected correctly to the stepper driver)

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

also I am a bit confused: you wrote at the beginning, that you want to use a4988 driver. Now you wrote you connected a tb6600 driver. When using such a driver, also make sure you set the right amperage (so you don't fry your stepper motor) and that you dissable microstepping for the initial tests.

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

I just checked the tb6600 datasheet and you do not NEED to connect the ENA+/ENA- pin at all, so for the sake of simplicity I would avoid this step.

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

seems like that was the problem. i got it to spin. and yeah i just got 4 TB6600 for the Nema 23s and ill be using a4988 for the Nema17 and maybe a Nema11

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

Now im not sure about this new issues. ive never worked with Nema23 or TB6600s but it seems like the stepper is missing steps and its not smooth. i have the microstepping off and the current the same at the Stepper. could it be a bad stepper or the TB6600?

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

Lost steps could have multiple reasons:

Check the data sheet of your stepper motor for max revs/min, required voltage and ampere count and try first with only one stepper motor configured in the esp stepper motor server.

What speed did you set for the movement? Is there any load on your stepper motor or is it spinning freely?

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

The stepper id spinning freely, Revs/min, Volts and Amps are all correct. Im also doing one stepper for now



JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

seems to only happen at slower speeds too, But its not smooth at higher speeds and/or stops at higher speeds

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

you are trying to move the stepper with 2000 steps per second for a distance of 200 steps and an acceleration of 500 steps per second. So you will never reach the top speed on this short distance anyway.

Also did you check your motors specs in regards to max revs? 2000 Steps and Full Step mode with 200 steps per rev would result in 10 revs per second or 600 revs per minute. Ususally stepper motors loose a lot of torque at higher speeds (depending on the stepper of course, so you need to check your datasheets) At roughly around 1000-1500 revs/minute the power curve of most stepper motors breaks down. Plus you are running at only 12V which is pretty much the lower end for most stepper motors. Most data sheets print power curves at 24v or 30v (or even higher for bigger motors).

Try using a 24V power supply if possible.

For smoother / quieter operation you need to enable microstepping, but of course this will limit your max speed when running with multiple stepper drivers since more step signals need to be generated per timeframe.

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

I have a small test bench that can do 24v max 5 amps it'll be enough for testing one stepper (the arm should have around 6 maybe 7 steppers) plus i only really need full steps do so me using a 3d printer 8:1 planetary gear to get more torque for the lower parts of the arm.

The data sheet seems really basic and cant really find the Max revolutions, bit weird.

Ill let you know if 24v helped

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

No change with 24v but i did notice that it seems to be only pulling half the amps around 1.3amps. i even set the TB6600 to the max current just to test and it went up too. 1.5amps i have swapped bettew the 4 TB6600 i have with no change. i should be getting my second nema 23 tomorrow and then i can test if its the Stepper

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

So out of curiosity i tested with the NEMA 17 i have and the same issue happens. All i did was change the current for the smaller nema17 the acceleration to full speed is jerky and when it reaches the max speed set its like does a small jolt on the end of a full revolution and could be the reason of the missed steps and positioning being off

Seems like it could be the TB6600

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

Just to be sure, can you post the full serial output from booting the ESP all the way to issuing the move command? Maybe you could even turn on debugging in your main.cpp file and upload it again to get more details:

stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled, ESPServerLogLevel_DEBUG);
JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

this is what i get

[DEBUG] POST called/api/steppers/moveby with parameters: id=0, value=500, unit=steps, speed=800, accel=500, decel=500 [DEBUG] GET called/api/status

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

please post the complete output from booting the esp until the point you call the endpoint, not only the the output when calling the endpoint

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

im guessing this is what you mean correct?

[INFO] Setting log level to INFO [INFO] Loading configuration file /config.json from SPIFFS [INFO] 1 stepper configuration entry loaded from config file [INFO] 0 switch configuration entries loaded from config file [INFO] 0 rotary encoder configuration entries loaded from config file [INFO] Starting ESP-StepperMotor-Server (v. 0.3.3) [INFO] Trying to connect to WiFi with SSID 'FBIVan' .... [INFO] Connected to network with IP address [INFO] Listing files in root folder of SPIFFS: [INFO] File: /favicon.ico (318) -1 [INFO] File: /img/emergencyStopSwitch.svg (11442) -1 [INFO] File: /img/logo.svg (25066) -1 [INFO] File: /img/rotaryEncoderWheel.svg (13750) -1 [INFO] File: /img/stepper.svg (22739) -1 [INFO] File: /img/switch.svg (19709) -1 [INFO] File: /index.html (678) -1 [INFO] File: /js/app.js.gz (210333) -1 [INFO] File: /config.json (346) 1003 [INFO] Starting webserver on port 80 [INFO] Webserver started, you can now open the user interface on [INFO] Command Line Interface started, registered 22 commands. Type 'help' to get a list of all supported commands [INFO] Motion Controller task started [INFO] Setting log level to DEBUG [DEBUG] Checking SPIFFS for existance and free space [DEBUG] SPIFFS started SPIFFS stats: Total bytes: 1378241 bytes used: 308981 bytes free: 1069260 [INFO] Loading configuration file /config.json from SPIFFS [DEBUG] File loaded and deserialized [INFO] 1 stepper configuration entry loaded from config file [INFO] 0 switch configuration entries loaded from config file [INFO] 0 rotary encoder configuration entries loaded from config file { "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "FBIVan", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "p[\r@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "test", "stepPin": 33, "directionPin": 32, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 1, "microsteppingDivisor": 1, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [] } [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI instance created [DEBUG] Motor Controller created [WARNING] ESPStepperMotorServer must be used as a singleton, do not instanciate more than one server in your project [DEBUG] GET called/api/status [DEBUG] POST called/api/steppers/moveby with parameters: id=0, value=500, unit=steps, speed=800, accel=500, decel=500 [DEBUG] GET called/api/status

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

can you please also post your main.cpp file? The Warning [WARNING] ESPStepperMotorServer must be used as a singleton, do not instanciate more than one server in your project is bugging me a bit

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago


ESPStepperMotorServer *stepperMotorServer;

const char wifiName = "FBIVan"; // enter the SSID of the wifi network to connect to const char wifiSecret = "****"; // enter the password of the the existing wifi network here

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled); stepperMotorServer->setWifiCredentials(wifiName, wifiSecret); stepperMotorServer->setWifiMode(ESPServerWifiModeClient); //start the server as a wifi client (DHCP client of an existing wifi network) stepperMotorServer->start(); stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled, ESPServerLogLevel_DEBUG); }

void loop() { }

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

you must not create two instances of the ESPStepperMotorServer. Please move the line

stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled, ESPServerLogLevel_DEBUG);

up and replace the line

stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled);

with this line.

Setup should look like this:

stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled, ESPServerLogLevel_DEBUG);
stepperMotorServer->setWifiCredentials(wifiName, wifiSecret);
stepperMotorServer->setWifiMode(ESPServerWifiModeClient); //start the server as a wifi client (DHCP client of an existing wifi network)

Upload, reboot and post complete output of serial console

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

seems to be smoother now, acceleration is a bit noise kind of like a crunch sound

--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time --- More details at --- Miniterm on COM9 115200,8,N,1 --- --- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H --- [INFO] Setting log level to DEBUG [DEBUG] Checking SPIFFS for existance and free space [DEBUG] SPIFFS started SPIFFS stats: Total bytes: 1378241 bytes used: 308981 bytes free: 1069260 [INFO] Loading configuration file /config.json from SPIFFS [DEBUG] File loaded and deserialized [INFO] 1 stepper configuration entry loaded from config file [INFO] 0 switch configuration entries loaded from config file [INFO] 0 rotary encoder configuration entries loaded from config file { "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "FBIVan", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "p[\r@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "test", "stepPin": 33, "directionPin": 32, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 1, "microsteppingDivisor": 1, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [] } [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI instance created [DEBUG] Motor Controller created [INFO] Starting ESP-StepperMotor-Server (v. 0.3.3) [INFO] Trying to connect to WiFi with SSID 'FBIVan' .... [INFO] Connected to network with IP address [INFO] ESPStepperMotorServer WiFi details: [INFO] WiFi status: server acts as wifi client in existing network with DHCP [INFO] SSID: FBIVan [INFO] IP address: [INFO] Strength: -29 dBm [INFO] Listing files in root folder of SPIFFS: [INFO] File: /favicon.ico (318) -1 [INFO] File: /img/emergencyStopSwitch.svg (11442) -1 [INFO] File: /img/logo.svg (25066) -1 [INFO] File: /img/rotaryEncoderWheel.svg (13750) -1 [INFO] File: /img/stepper.svg (22739) -1 [INFO] File: /img/switch.svg (19709) -1 [INFO] File: /index.html (678) -1 [INFO] File: /js/app.js.gz (210333) -1 [INFO] File: /config.json (346) 1003 [INFO] Starting webserver on port 80 [DEBUG] Checking if web UI is installed in SPIFFS [DEBUG] Check completed successfully [INFO] Webserver started, you can now open the user interface on [INFO] Command Line Interface started, registered 22 commands. Type 'help' to get a list of all supported commands [INFO] Motion Controller task started [DEBUG] GET called/api/status [DEBUG] POST called/api/steppers/moveby with parameters: id=0, value=2000, unit=steps, speed=800, accel=500, decel=500 [DEBUG] GET called/api/status

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

This is what is sound like: might take a minute or 2 to process

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

ok, serial output seems normal. If you want the stepper to run less noisy you probably need to enable microstepping, it will reduce oscillations/ripples, at least my stepper runs much quieter in this case. just go for 4 or 8 microsteps setting (both on the TB6600 stepper driver and in the configuration in the User Interface) and see if the noise is less

pkerspe commented 4 years ago

the sound from the video is a bit strange, maybe you acceleration setting is to aggressive for your motor

JuniorGamingTime commented 4 years ago

thats what i thought but even at 100 it makes that noise and at 32 microstepping, so those the other ticking too

JuniorGamingTime commented 3 years ago

So i just did a really simple test with this code and the nema23 with TB6600 moves smoothly like i expected. Might be a config error on my part or maybe a bug?

this is what i used:

define dirPin 32

define stepPin 33

void setup() { // Declare pins as output: pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);

// Set the spinning direction CW/CCW: digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); }

void loop() { // These four lines result in 1 step: digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(500); digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(500); }

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

So you are generating a square wave basically with 1khz. This does not incorporate any acceleration function. Please try to move the stepper with 1000 steps per second with an acceleration of 500 steps/second and for a distance of let's say 100000 steps using the ESP Stepper motor Server. Once the stepper has reached the speed of 1000 steps per second it should spin for roughly 100 seconds. During this time there is no change in speed so it would be the same as with your 1khz signal (if I go through Math right :-) ) and during this time it should also run at a constant speed with a smooth motion. Please confirm.

As I understood before you only have issues with the strange sound during acceleration phase, which you did not test with your short code snippet (well actually you accelerate with no delay to 1khz, which is also kind of an instant acceleration :-) )

Of course there is always a chance of a bug, yet I cannot reproduce it with my setup here. Which exact ESP 32 module are you using? Is it the dual core version at all? (There is a single core version available which I never testet and most likely due to the multiple "services" (Tasks) that are started in the ESP-Stepper-Motor-Server, might have some issues with multi tasking)

JuniorGamingTime commented 3 years ago

The "bump" feeling is not just a sound happens on every rotation. and it still happens This is the EPS32 im using:

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

I am running out of ideas at the moment. Maybe you can try with an older Version of the ESP Stepper Motor Server like Verison 0.2.0? Also make sure to upload the matching UI version for 0.2.0 (from the examples Folder of this version)

JuniorGamingTime commented 3 years ago

Sorry been a bit busy, when i try the 0.2.0 version i get this error src/ESPStepperMotorServer.h:61:26: fatal error: FlexyStepper.h: No such file or directory

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

that version still uses different depedencies, thus the error. You need to install the FlexyStepper LIbrary (different from ESP_FlexyStepper)

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue since I cannot reproduce it and no further feedback from TO