pkerspe / ESP-StepperMotor-Server

Turn your ESP32 into a complete stepper motor control server with web UI, REST API and serial control interface
MIT License
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Encoder and Limit Switch not working #18

Closed conaito closed 3 years ago

conaito commented 3 years ago

We use a M5stack core, Gpio 2 and 5 for motors (works well so far). Any limit switch or encoder settings (try on several gpio and other pins) not working. no luck at all

conaito commented 3 years ago

btw thats may the important part to get it fixed

conaito commented 3 years ago

any idea about my problem here?

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

Please post your complete json configuration here and also make sure you do not use any of the "forbidden" pins that might collide with ESP WROOM specific feature pins or peripherals of your M5Stackcore. Please also explicitly explain how you connected the switches physically and to which exact IO Pins.

Please also post the full output of the serial console of the startup sequence of the server and the loading of the configuration

conaito commented 3 years ago

We use the M5Stack Core and use GPIO Pin 2 and 5 for the motor (works well), GPIO12 for a emergency switch which never will fire (not in console or where ever). Same on Encoder..

thats the config: { "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "Conaito", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "X-Axis", "stepPin": 2, "directionPin": 5, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 100, "microsteppingDivisor": 8, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Limit 1 X-Axis", "ioPin": 12, "stepperIndex": 255, "switchType": 34, "switchPosition": -1 } ], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Encoder X-Axis", "pinA": 13, "pinB": 15, "stepMultiplier": 100, "stepperIndex": 0 } ] }

here serial console start sequence:

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x16 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0018,len:4 load:0x3fff001c,len:1216 ho 0 tail 12 room 4 load:0x40078000,len:9720 ho 0 tail 12 room 4 load:0x40080400,len:6352 entry 0x400806b8 [INFO] Setting log level to DEBUG [DEBUG] Checking SPIFFS for existance and free space [DEBUG] SPIFFS started SPIFFS stats: Total bytes: 1378241 bytes used: 310989 bytes free: 1067252 [INFO] Loading configuration file /config.json from SPIFFS [INFO] Serializing config [DEBUG] File loaded and deserialized [INFO] 1 stepper configuration entry loaded from config file [INFO] 1 switch configuration entry loaded from config file [INFO] 1 rotary encoder configuration entry loaded from config file [INFO] Serializing config { "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "Conaito", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "X-Axis", "stepPin": 2, "directionPin": 5, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 100, "microsteppingDivisor": 8, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Limit 1 X-Axis", "ioPin": 12, "stepperIndex": 255, "switchType": 34, "switchPosition": -1 } ], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Encoder X-Axis", "pinA": 13, "pinB": 15, "stepMultiplier": 100, "stepperIndex": 0 } ] } [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI instance created [DEBUG] Motor Controller created [INFO] Starting ESP-StepperMotor-Server (v. 0.4.4) [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer compile settings (marcos): Max steppers: 10 Max switches: 10 Max encoders: 5 [INFO] Trying to connect to WiFi with SSID 'Conaito' .............. [INFO] Connected to network with IP address [INFO] ESPStepperMotorServer WiFi details: [INFO] WiFi status: server acts as wifi client in existing network with DHCP [INFO] SSID: Conaito [INFO] IP address: [INFO] Strength: -37 dBm [INFO] Listing files in root folder of SPIFFS: [INFO] File: /favicon.ico (318) -1 [INFO] File: /img/emergencyStopSwitch.svg (11442) -1 [INFO] File: /img/logo.svg (25066) -1 [INFO] File: /img/rotaryEncoderWheel.svg (13750) -1 [INFO] File: /img/stepper.svg (22739) -1 [INFO] File: /img/switch.svg (19709) -1 [INFO] File: /index.html (680) -1 [INFO] File: /js/app.js.jgz (210386) -1 [INFO] File: /upload.html.gz (1212) -1 [INFO] File: /config.json (539) 1262 [INFO] Starting webserver on port 80 [DEBUG] Checking if web UI is installed in SPIFFS [DEBUG] Check completed successfully [INFO] Webserver started, you can now open the user interface on [DEBUG] Setting up IO pin 12 as input with pullup for active low switch 'Limit 1 X-Axis' (0) [DEBUG] Setting up IO pin 13 as Pin A input for active high rotary encoder 'Encoder X-Axis' (0) [DEBUG] Setting up IO pin 15 as Pin B input for active high rotary encoder 'Encoder X-Axis' (0) [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 12 [DEBUG] Setting bit 1 to low in register for switch 1 with io pin 255 [DEBUG] Attaching interrupt service routine for emergency stop switch 'Limit 1 X-Axis' on IO pin 12 [INFO] Command Line Interface started, registered 22 commands. Type 'help' to get a list of all supported commands [INFO] Motion Controller task started [DEBUG] GET called/api/status

conaito commented 3 years ago

btw: if i try emergencystop in serial console it works well

conaito commented 3 years ago

i try today a other board and it looks there is soem other bug. please check the limit switch is triggered (Limit 2 Y-Axis), which is correct but as soon i leave the button a wrong Limit Switch (Limit 1 Y-Axis) released. Can you please check the issue and fix that?

attached my config for test:

[INFO] Serializing config { "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "Encoder X-Axis", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "X-Axis", "stepPin": 15, "directionPin": 2, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 100, "microsteppingDivisor": 1, "rpmLimit": 1000 }, { "id": 1, "name": "Y-Axis", "stepPin": 15, "directionPin": 2, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 100, "microsteppingDivisor": 8, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Limit 1 Y-Axis", "ioPin": 0, "stepperIndex": 1, "switchType": 66, "switchPosition": -1 }, { "id": 1, "name": "Limit 2 Y-Axis", "ioPin": 35, "stepperIndex": 1, "switchType": 66, "switchPosition": -1 } ], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Encoder X-Axis", "pinA": 16, "pinB": 17, "stepMultiplier": 100, "stepperIndex": 0 }, { "id": 1, "name": "Encoder Y-Axis", "pinA": 18, "pinB": 19, "stepMultiplier": 100, "stepperIndex": 1 } ] }

conaito commented 3 years ago

additional the emergency as well not working. if i use them on G35 i see follow in serial [WARNING] Invalid stepper config requested with id 255. Will retun NULL [INFO] Emergency Switch triggered

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

I will investigate when I have some time, please note that this is open source, you can investigate also ad provide a pull request if you find any solution. I support this project free of charge and in my free time (I have a full time job on the side to make a living) so I would appreciate a bit of patience ;-)

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

are you aware that you configured the step pin for both steppers to be GPIO15? I never tested something like this and it makes actually no sense, since you would mix up step counters and whatnot.

Please start with a small config: one stepper motor and one emergency switch, not more. See if you get any errors in the serial console and see if the emergency switch works that way. I will perform a little test later today with this configuration and report back

conaito commented 3 years ago

emergency switch works if i set it into the config file and upload it (over gui it set stepper index to 255 which not work then. over manual setup onn file i get them working.

limit switches still have same. please check console (press button switch triggered, on release other switch released):

[INFO] Setting log level to DEBUG [DEBUG] Checking SPIFFS for existance and free space [DEBUG] SPIFFS started SPIFFS stats: Total bytes: 1378241 bytes used: 310989 bytes free: 1067252 [INFO] Loading configuration file /config.json from SPIFFS [INFO] Serializing config [DEBUG] File loaded and deserialized [INFO] 1 stepper configuration entry loaded from config file [INFO] 2 switch configuration entries loaded from config file [INFO] 0 rotary encoder configuration entries loaded from config file [INFO] Serializing config { "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "Conaito", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Y-Axis", "stepPin": 15, "directionPin": 2, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 100, "microsteppingDivisor": 8, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Limit 1 Y-Axis", "ioPin": 0, "stepperIndex": 1, "switchType": 66, "switchPosition": -1 }, { "id": 1, "name": "Limit 2 Y-Axis", "ioPin": 35, "stepperIndex": 1, "switchType": 66, "switchPosition": -1 } ], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [] } [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI instance created [DEBUG] Motor Controller created [INFO] Starting ESP-StepperMotor-Server (v. 0.4.4) [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer compile settings (marcos): Max steppers: 10 Max switches: 10 Max encoders: 5 [INFO] Trying to connect to WiFi with SSID 'Conaito' ............ [INFO] Connected to network with IP address [INFO] ESPStepperMotorServer WiFi details: [INFO] WiFi status: server acts as wifi client in existing network with DHCP [INFO] SSID: Conaito [INFO] IP address: [INFO] Strength: -35 dBm [INFO] Listing files in root folder of SPIFFS: [INFO] File: /favicon.ico (318) -1 [INFO] File: /img/emergencyStopSwitch.svg (11442) -1 [INFO] File: /img/logo.svg (25066) -1 [INFO] File: /img/rotaryEncoderWheel.svg (13750) -1 [INFO] File: /img/stepper.svg (22739) -1 [INFO] File: /img/switch.svg (19709) -1 [INFO] File: /index.html (680) -1 [INFO] File: /js/app.js.jgz (210386) -1 [INFO] File: /upload.html.gz (1212) -1 [INFO] File: /config.json (544) 60 [INFO] Starting webserver on port 80 [DEBUG] Checking if web UI is installed in SPIFFS [DEBUG] Check completed successfully [INFO] Webserver started, you can now open the user interface on [DEBUG] Setting up IO pin 0 as input with pullup for active low switch 'Limit 1 Y-Axis' (0) [WARNING] The configured IO pin 35 cannot be used for active low switches unless an external pull up resistor is in place. The ESP does not provide internal pullups on this IO pin. Make sure you have a pull up resistor in place for the switch d⸮⸮? (1) [DEBUG] Setting up IO pin 35 as input with pullup for active low switch 'Limit 2 Y-Axis' (1) [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 0 [DEBUG] Attaching interrupt service routine for limit switch 'Limit 1 Y-Axis' on IO pin 0 [DEBUG] Attaching interrupt service routine for limit switch 'Limit 2 Y-Axis' on IO pin 35 [INFO] Command Line Interface started, registered 22 commands. Type 'help' to get a list of all supported commands [INFO] Motion Controller task started [DEBUG] GET called/api/status [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 0 [DEBUG] Setting bit 1 to low in register for switch 1 with io pin 35 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'Limit 2 Y-Axis' has been triggered (IO pin status is 0) [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 0 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'Limit 1 Y-Axis' has been released (IO pin status is 1) [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 0 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'Limit 1 Y-Axis' has been released (IO pin status is 1) [DEBUG] GET called/api/status

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

ok, I can replicate the problem with the 255 being set in the config (which is actually fine) but also the warning in the console [WARNING] Invalid stepper config requested with id 255. Will retun NULL (which should not happen). I will work on a fix for that as a starter

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

BTW: you have seen the warning in your console, right? [WARNING] The configured IO pin 35 cannot be used for active low switches unless an external pull up resistor is in place. The ESP does not provide internal pullups on this IO pin. Make sure you have a pull up resistor in place for the switch d⸮⸮?� (1) I hope you used an external pull up resistor when using GPIO35

conaito commented 3 years ago

Can you give me a idea what i have to use or how using the pull up resistor?

i have change to IO PIN 13 but it reboot the board after press:

[INFO] Serializing config { "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "Conaito", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Y-Axis", "stepPin": 15, "directionPin": 2, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 100, "microsteppingDivisor": 8, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Limit 2 Y-Axis", "ioPin": 13, "stepperIndex": 1, "switchType": 66, "switchPosition": -1 }, { "id": 2, "name": "stop", "ioPin": 35, "stepperIndex": 1, "switchType": 34, "switchPosition": -1 } ], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [] } [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI instance created [DEBUG] Motor Controller created [INFO] Starting ESP-StepperMotor-Server (v. 0.4.4) [DEBUG] ESPStepperMotorServer compile settings (marcos): Max steppers: 10 Max switches: 10 Max encoders: 5 [INFO] Trying to connect to WiFi with SSID 'Conaito' ............ [INFO] Connected to network with IP address [INFO] ESPStepperMotorServer WiFi details: [INFO] WiFi status: server acts as wifi client in existing network with DHCP [INFO] SSID: Conaito [INFO] IP address: [INFO] Strength: -46 dBm [INFO] Listing files in root folder of SPIFFS: [INFO] File: /favicon.ico (318) -1 [INFO] File: /img/emergencyStopSwitch.svg (11442) -1 [INFO] File: /img/logo.svg (25066) -1 [INFO] File: /img/rotaryEncoderWheel.svg (13750) -1 [INFO] File: /img/stepper.svg (22739) -1 [INFO] File: /img/switch.svg (19709) -1 [INFO] File: /index.html (680) -1 [INFO] File: /js/app.js.jgz (210386) -1 [INFO] File: /upload.html.gz (1212) -1 [INFO] File: /config.json (539) 41 [INFO] Starting webserver on port 80 [DEBUG] Checking if web UI is installed in SPIFFS [DEBUG] Check completed successfully [INFO] Webserver started, you can now open the user interface on [DEBUG] Setting up IO pin 13 as input with pullup for active low switch 'Limit 2 Y-Axis' (1) [WARNING] The configured IO pin 35 cannot be used for active low switches unless an external pull up resistor is in place. The ESP does not provide internal pullups on this IO pin. Make sure you have a pull up resistor in place for the switch stop (2) [DEBUG] Setting up IO pin 35 as input with pullup for active low switch 'stop' (2) [DEBUG] Setting bit 1 to high in register for switch 1 with io pin 13 [DEBUG] Attaching interrupt service routine for limit switch 'Limit 2 Y-Axis' on IO pin 13 [DEBUG] Setting bit 1 to high in register for switch 1 with io pin 13 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'Limit 2 Y-Axis' has been released (IO pin status is 1) [DEBUG] Attaching interrupt service routine for emergency stop switch 'stop' on IO pin 35 [INFO] Command Line Interface started, registered 22 commands. Type 'help' to get a list of all supported commands [INFO] Motion Controller task started [DEBUG] GET called/api/status [DEBUG] GET called/api/status Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled. Core 1 register dump: PC : 0x400810b6 PS : 0x00060031 A0 : 0x800811ed A1 : 0x3ffbe750
A2 : 0x3ffb9974 A3 : 0x00000007 A4 : 0xa5a5a5a5 A5 : 0x80000020
A6 : 0x3ffc1880 A7 : 0x00000001 A8 : 0x3ffb9578 A9 : 0x3ffbe720
A10 : 0x000000ff A11 : 0x000000ff A12 : 0x3ffb8471 A13 : 0x000000ff
A14 : 0x00000001 A15 : 0x00000001 SAR : 0x00000018 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0xa5a5a5a7 LBEG : 0x400014fd LEND : 0x4000150d LCOUNT : 0xfffffff8
Core 1 was running in ISR context: EPC1 : 0x400810b6 EPC2 : 0x00000000 EPC3 : 0x00000000 EPC4 : 0x40086d69

Backtrace: 0x400810b6:0x3ffbe750 0x400811ea:0x3ffbe790 0x4008129d:0x3ffbe7b0 0x40084ab1:0x3ffbe7d0 0x400ef4c2:0x3ffb1fb0 0x40088ebd:0x3ffb1fd0


pkerspe commented 3 years ago

You can use a simple 10kOhm Resistor (or something between 1k and 100k, does not matter so much, 10k is just a good start) and connect it between +3,3V and the Pin you connected the switch to. Or you just use another GPIO that has an internal pull op available. See here for pins to use:

Regarding the Backtrac you posted, you need to install a exception decoder for ESP32 so it shows proper code line numbers / trace info in the serial window: Add this line to your platformio.ini file: monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder, default

Then once you reconnect to the serial console in platformio you should see a proper decoded stack trace instead of the useless Backtrace: 0x400810b6:0x3ffbe750 0x400811ea:0x3ffbe790 0x4008129d:0x3ffbe7b0 0x40084ab1:0x3ffbe7d0 0x400ef4c2:0x3ffb1fb0 0x40088ebd:0x3ffb1fd0

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

I just pushed a commit to master branch that fixes the [WARNING] Invalid stepper config requested with id 255. Will retun NULLProblem when creating an emergency switch via the GUI

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

just released a new version 0.4.5 where rotary encoders and emergency switches are working as intended. General limit switch function not tested yet, will do another day. I also added a section in the documentation for setting up rotary encoder hardware and how the signals are currently handled. Please read this part if you still have issues with the rotary encoder.

conaito commented 3 years ago

Amazing! will test it directly tomorrow. can you may explain in short how to understand the different switch types and what they do or for what they using for?

conaito commented 3 years ago
  1. Emergency switch works now as it should (triggered) but if i try any other switch it will not work, also may i not understand the usage - can you explain it?
  2. If i add a switch or change it it only update after reset the esp32 - it must reboot. may there is as well a better fix?

{ "serverConfiguration": { "port": 80, "wififMode": 2, "wifiSsid": "Conaito", "wifiPassword": "", "apName": "@", "apPassword": "" }, "stepperConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "x", "stepPin": 33, "directionPin": 23, "stepsPerRev": 200, "stepsPerMM": 100, "microsteppingDivisor": 8, "rpmLimit": 1200 } ], "switchConfigurations": [ { "id": 0, "name": "stop", "ioPin": 19, "stepperIndex": 255, "switchType": 34, "switchPosition": -1 }, { "id": 1, "name": "jkhk", "ioPin": 22, "stepperIndex": 0, "switchType": 10, "switchPosition": 100 } ], "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": [] }

The 2nd switch only view me in console: [WARNING] Invalid stepper config requested with id 255. Will retun NULL

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

yes, I noticed that too, that currently a reboot is needed to properly setup the IO Pins for switches etc. As for the [WARNING] Invalid stepper config requested with id 255. Will retun NULL: please remove the emergency stop switch from your configuration and see if the error still shows. Currently, with the config you showed and the fixes provided in Version 0.4.5, this should not show anymore.

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

I will add a chapter to the manual for the switch types

conaito commented 3 years ago

i tested the encoder and it works as well like the emergency switch like a charm. only the other switches i can get working as it may should. maybe you can look into it as well? also the reboot issue to get changes on switches running?

conaito commented 3 years ago

Hi, may you can find a bit time to take a look into it over the weekend? It becomes a little bit urgent for me and i really want use this solution :/

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

are you using it in a commercial project or how come this is so urgent? Maybe you can describe a bit in general what you are trying to achieve in your project, would help to understand which exact needs you have and what might be possible solutions.

conaito commented 3 years ago

i work on a lift where i need a good start solution to handle the stepper motor and found your project - it looks like to be exactly what i looking for except the bugs i reported. all my mechanical parts mounted here and wait for a fix of software :) thats i mean with little bit urgent

conaito commented 3 years ago

May i also can try to fix it but it would be great if you can give me a idea where i can start or where it may can happened. Since the Emergency stop and encoder was fixed very fast i think its not a real big issue?

conaito commented 3 years ago

i found a nearly working solution but have still a issue on the serial switches. it works so far but only if i have a emergency switch (if i delete it the esp will reboot on trigger one of the serial switches). also problem is too that the serial switches trigger on press it and as well on release it - it means it will not work because if stepper move in other direction and i release the switch, the stepper stops again. any idea how i can fix this?

loglevel=4 to see what i mean (i press serial limit switch and release it): [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 13 [DEBUG] Setting bit 1 to low in register for switch 1 with io pin 12 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'serial' has been released (IO pin status is 1) [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 13 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'panic' has been released (IO pin status is 1)
[DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 13 [DEBUG] Setting bit 1 to low in register for switch 1 with io pin 12 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'serial' has been triggered (IO pin status is 0) [DEBUG] Setting bit 0 to high in register for switch 0 with io pin 13 [DEBUG] Setting bit 1 to low in register for switch 1 with io pin 12 [DEBUG] Limit switch 'serial' has been triggered (IO pin status is 0)

Also, why the emergency switch (panic in my case) also trigger? I never press them on this test

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

It sounds like you need to debounce your switches if you get false triggers and in general you need to check your wiring if you get triggers from the emergency switch even though it is not triggered. You need to show a wiring diagram to analyze further, I cannot tell how you wired the switches just from looking at the partial log output. You wrote you wired the switches in serial, but your logs show that you used different pins. So I am not sure what you connected nad how you did it. In your last configuration example you posted, there is no switch named "serial" or "panic"

conaito commented 3 years ago

yes looks like but you may have a idea how i can do it?

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

how about using google on the term "debounce switch"? :-) It is a general electro-mechanical term not anything specific to the ESP or this library. It also depends what kind of switches you actually use if you need to debounce or not.

conaito commented 3 years ago

i was think that you may have it in mind since you made the stepper server project. is it not already implemented by using limit switches?

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

since I do not know what kind of switches you use, I cannot provide a simple one-fits-all solution. Debouncing circuits need to be designed to match the switch, otherwise they might not be effective or cause to long delays before triggering. Software debouncing can be done too, but it is not implemented in this library since it does not easily scale with multiple instances of the esp flexy stepper library when running multiple stepper motors. There are different methods for software debouncing, but the efficient ones required timers and interrupts, which basically means hardware functions which are limited.

conaito commented 3 years ago

i just use simple micro limit switches in serial. they working well so far but just must bounce back to trigger real witch i not have a idea to make it :/

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

oh, you mean your switches only "fire" once you release them? Then you wired them up wrong. They need to fire when pressed of course. Most micro switches have NC and NO pinouts, so you can wire them both ways. If wired in serial, it is best practice to use the NC (normally closed) pins since it will also trigger the switch io pin when a wire breaks completely. In the ESP Stepper Motor server you would configured the switches as active low switches then and you connect one the switches to the IO PIN with one wire and the other wire goes to GND. the ESP StepperMotorServer will configure the IO Pin as Input with Internal Pullup resistor active (if you configured the switch as active low), means it will have high signal if nothing is connected, wire breaks or the switch is pressed. In all other cases, the NC-wired switches will pull the signal to ground, as long as they are not triggered. Once triggered, the ground connection is lost and the internal pullup will pull the IO pin high and fire the function.

conaito commented 3 years ago

oh i made it exactly as you say but 2nd wire to GND (not voltage) may thats the problem??

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

no you are right, I was wrong, just fixed it in my previous post. To GND is correct

conaito commented 3 years ago

so i still have the problem :( its as follow: 1 of both switches stop the motor as it should (and good that he can only move in other direction) but i real live then the switch release and stop motor again as soon its open the switch

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

yeah, sounds like a debouncing problem to me. Try to press the switch manually, then the motor stops. Hold down the switch while sending the motor into the other direction. Now slowly open the switch (the slower the less chance of debouncing usually, but no guarantee :-) ) and see if the motor stops again. If it does not stop, it is a clear debouncing problem (but still those microswitches could bounce, even if opened slowly, but worth a test)

conaito commented 3 years ago

i have try it. as soon the switch is open on move in other direction the motor stop again - thats what i mean. in real it means for me it can’t work :/

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

it is probably easier to use non mechanical switches, like hall effect sensors or switches that are bounce free from the manufacturer, if you are not into electronics. To effectively calculate a hardware denounce circuit (you need to calculate resistor sizes to match a capacitor size to calculate the correct debounce period for your specific switch, which is much easier if you have a oscilloscope at hand to measure the bounce length) the does not delay the signal to much so that the motor overshoots completely at high speeds is not a trivial thing. Software debouncing could be implemented rather simply in a dumb program that only denounces one switch and does not need to be hyper efficient, but in the ESP StepperMotor the amount of steppers connected is not fixed thus it makes the tasks much more complex, an even in software you need to set the correct denounce delay to not delay the signal for to long.

pkerspe commented 3 years ago

hm, I cannot reproduce this unfortunately, maye your wiring is somewhere wrong