pkerspe / ESP-StepperMotor-Server

Turn your ESP32 into a complete stepper motor control server with web UI, REST API and serial control interface
MIT License
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ESP IO pin for motor brake is not saved #25

Closed dibg closed 2 years ago

dibg commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug "Save current configuration to device" button doesn't save the "ESP IO pin for motor brake" setting. On the next boot this must be re entered. I use the brake functionality to enable/disable the power of the stepper to save power.

Environment the same with :

Extra INFO This is what api/comfig returns


  "serverConfiguration": {

    "port": 80,

    "wififMode": 2,

    "wifiSsid": "******",

    "wifiPassword": "*****",

    "apName": "@",

    "apPassword": "*****"


  "stepperConfigurations": [


      "id": 0,

      "name": "X-Axis",

      "stepPin": 23,

      "directionPin": 22,

      "stepsPerRev": 200,

      "stepsPerMM": 100,

      "microsteppingDivisor": 8,

      "rpmLimit": 1200



  "switchConfigurations": [],

  "rotaryEncoderConfigurations": []

And this is what i asked to be saved

Screenshot from 2021-02-20 11-55-06

denonbw commented 2 years ago

Sadly I have the same problem. As an interim solution you can simply create the stepper via Config and define the pin there.

void setup() 
  stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled);
  stepperMotorServer->setWifiCredentials(wifiName, wifiSecret);
  stepperMotorServer->setWifiMode(ESPServerWifiModeClient); //start the server as a wifi client (DHCP client of an existing wifi network)

  stepperConfiguration = new ESPStepperMotorServer_StepperConfiguration(STEP_PIN, DIRECTION_PIN);
  stepperConfiguration->setBrakeIoPin(5, 1);

pkerspe commented 2 years ago

Currently adding the following details to the configuration persistence logic:

nestedStepperConfig["breakPin"] = stepperConfig->getBrakeIoPin();
nestedStepperConfig["breakPinActiveState"] = stepperConfig->getBrakePinActiveState();
nestedStepperConfig["breakEngageDelay"] = stepperConfig->getBrakeEngageDelayMs();
nestedStepperConfig["breakReleaseDelay"] = stepperConfig->getBrakeReleaseDelayMs();

Pushed to master branch, not yet tested

pkerspe commented 2 years ago

Has been fixed in version v0.4.8