pkerspe / ESP-StepperMotor-Server

Turn your ESP32 into a complete stepper motor control server with web UI, REST API and serial control interface
MIT License
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Can't build on PlatformIO #37

Closed tiberiust closed 1 year ago

tiberiust commented 1 year ago

guten Tag. This looks just what I need to put a bunch of steppers thru their basic paces. But build always fails with numerous "no type named 'type' in 'struct ArduinoJson..." errors

[{ "resource": "/home/markt/Synced/VSCode/PlatformIO/Office/Stepper/.pio/libdeps/esp32dev/ArduinoJson/src/ArduinoJson/Variant/VariantRefBase.hpp", "owner": "cpp", "severity": 8, "message": "no type named 'type' in 'struct ArduinoJson6200_F1::enable_if<false, char*>'", "startLineNumber": 53, "startColumn": 3, "endLineNumber": 53, "endColumn": 3 },{ "resource": "/home/markt/Synced/VSCode/PlatformIO/Office/Stepper/.pio/libdeps/esp32dev/ArduinoJson/src/ArduinoJson/Variant/VariantRefBase.hpp", "owner": "cpp", "severity": 8, "message": "no type named 'type' in 'struct ArduinoJson6200_F1::enable_if<false, char*>'", "startLineNumber": 61, "startColumn": 3, "endLineNumber": 61, "endColumn": 3 },{ "resource": "/home/markt/Synced/VSCode/PlatformIO/Office/Stepper/.pio/libdeps/esp32dev/ESP-StepperMotor-Server/src/ESPStepperMotorServer_Configuration.cpp", "owner": "cpp", "severity": 8, "message": "no matching function for call to 'ArduinoJson6200_F1::JsonVariant::as<char*>()'", "startLineNumber": 263, "startColumn": 51, "endLineNumber": 263, "endColumn": 51 } etc etc ... There's about another 10 errors. All with message 'no matching function call ArduinoJson...'

Environment Suse Linux. Kernel 6.1. VSCode, PlatformIO 6.1.5. All defaults.

To Reproduce To test if my Linux setup was causing problems, I setup a completely fresh VSCode + PlatformIO on a Win10 box. Result was the same.

Expected behavior Compile ;)


platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev 
framework = arduino
lib_deps =, bblanchon/ArduinoJson@^6.20.0 #tried with and without specifying the JSON lib. 
monitor_speed = 115200

I also tried other boards. No difference.


#include <ESPStepperMotorServer.h>
//#include <ArduinoJson.h> //tried with and without

ESPStepperMotorServer *stepperMotorServer;

const char *wifiName= "mySSID"; // enter the SSID of the wifi network to connect to
const char *wifiSecret = "mypassword"; // enter the password of the the existing wifi network here

void setup() 
  stepperMotorServer = new ESPStepperMotorServer(ESPServerRestApiEnabled | ESPServerWebserverEnabled | ESPServerSerialEnabled);
  stepperMotorServer->setWifiCredentials(wifiName, wifiSecret);
  stepperMotorServer->setWifiMode(ESPServerWifiModeClient); //start the server as a wifi client (DHCP client of an existing wifi network)

void loop() 

Everything seems to be in the right place: markt@mtdesk:~/Synced/VSCode/PlatformIO/Office/Stepper/.pio/libdeps/esp32dev> ls ArduinoJson AsyncTCP ESP Async WebServer ESP-FlexyStepper ESP-StepperMotor-Server integrity.dat

I have used this Linux setup to build and upload several simple ESP and Arduino programs without problems in the past and it still works fine. But ... I am just a few pages on from beginner at cpp and PlatformIO so I might be doing something newb/dumb. Googling the compile error seems to point to a coding error somewhere

Thanks in advance anyone.

pkerspe commented 1 year ago

Hi @tiberiust, the cause of the error lies within the ArduinoJSON library as far as I can see and not in the ESP Stepper motor server code. I suggest you open a ticket in the repository of ArduinoJSON. Also you can try to create basic project only using ArduinoJSON library and not the ESP Stepper Motor Server library, to isolate the issue and see if there is any relation to the ESP Stepper Motor Server.

pkerspe commented 1 year ago

on second view you might also want to try using an older version of Arduino JSON. Locally I use ArduinoJson @ 6.16.1 and that seems to work. This version seems to be a dependency of the ESP Async Webserver. I will need to test a bit more if newer versions have breaking changes.

tiberiust commented 1 year ago

Indeed. I successfully built it on ArduinoIDE with 6.19.4. On PlatformIO I didn't have much luck (lots of Async Webserver errors) until I found this and changed the platformIO.ini file to

platform = espressif32 
board = esp32-s3-devkitc-1
lib_deps = 
    ESP-StepperMotor-Server ;
    ArduinoJson@6.16.1 ; ;
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

But that still didn't give me a working webserver. Only when I set a static IP as per your example did it all work.

I don't have the experience to know what's happening, but it's working and I'll start playing.

Thanks a lot pkerspe :)

pkerspe commented 1 year ago

the error should be fixed in latest version 0.4.11 I updated dependencies to version ArduinoJSON 6.21.2 and fixed the deprecation warnings.

Please also look at release notes for infos on potential errors in relation to some missing SAH1 declarations in ESPAsyncWebserver!