pkgw / cranko

Turn the release crank.
MIT License
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Support for pijul repositories #47

Open korrat opened 1 year ago

korrat commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the great project. I really like the idea of just-in-time versioning in monorepos.

Would you consider supporting Pijul? It's a new version control system based on patches. It's also supposed to be better suited for monorepos than git.

pkgw commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to support Pijul! A tool like Cranko gets more useful the more kinds of systems it integrates with.

That being said, I don't use Pijul myself and I'm afraid that I have ~zero bandwidth for development work outside of my immediate needs, so I can't realistically say that this support is something that I'd develop myself. And Cranko's Git integration is currently baked in pretty deeply, so it would be a pretty significant effort to add that support. If someone is willing to commit to that effort, however, I will be very happy to assist — I would love for the project to attract additional contributors!