Closed Alfor564 closed 2 months ago
I'm aware of this bug and working on a fix for it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Trying running v2.0.3, or resort to b1.5.3 if that doesn't work.
Test the newest nightly build. I've tested it with someone else who had the same issue and it worked for them... but I do want to make sure it works for you before closing the issue.
I've uploaded the fix to v2.1.1 so you may test that as well.
Fatal error. System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): External component has thrown an exception. Repeat 2 times:
at Bgfx_cs.Bgfx.init(Init*)
at Glib.RenderContext..ctor(Glib.Window, Boolean, Glib.RendererType) at Glib.RenderContext.Init(Glib.Window, Boolean, Glib.RendererType) at RainEd.Boot+<>c__DisplayClass23_0.b__1()
at Glib.Window.OnLoad()
at Silk.NET.Windowing.Internals.ViewImplementationBase.Initialize()
at Glib.Window.Initialize()
at RainEd.Boot.LaunchEditor()
at RainEd.Boot.Main(System.String[])