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pkispawn and wizard config rfe to "enforce" valid SSL server cert subject DN #659

Open pki-bot opened 3 years ago

pki-bot commented 3 years ago

This issue was migrated from Pagure Issue #662. Originally filed by nkinder (@nkinder) on 2013-06-17 01:48:18:

Ticket was cloned from Red Hat Bugzilla (product Red Hat Certificate System): Bug 961552

Description of problem:

When using pkisilent or the web based configuration wizard, any string can be
provided for the SSL server cert subject DNs, like in the option
ca_server_cert-usbject option of a CA instance.

A CA instance can be configured and started successfully with what seem like a
possibly invalid subject DN, incorrect example that is accepted by the CA:
        Subject: "CN=example root ca8,OU=pki,DC=example,DC=co

And this becomes a problem when it comes to create other subsystems, like a
The configuration wizard of a TKS instance will use the CA's SSL server
certificate, and fail with an SSL error like this:

[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: TokenAuthentication authenticate
Exception=org.mozilla.jss.ssl.SSLSocketException: SSL_ForceHandshake failed:
(-12276) Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does
not match the server's certificate.

This configuration failure of a TKS is not obvious at all if that small TKS
debug log entry is missed in the large log file.

Using a "correct" SSL server cert subject DN works fine, like for example with:
        Subject: ",OU=pki-ca8,O=Example Domain ca8"

If sub system configuration can fail on a SSL server cert subject DN, then the
pkisilent configuration tool and the web wizard should make sure the subject DN
of the SSL server certicates for the sub systems are valid with
a fully qualified domain name of a server hostname as the value of the cn

like in
5.2.5 Server and Server Application Schema
where is says
...some context snipped...
the server's subject DN for the SSL server
   certificate should be, dc=host, dc=acme, dc=com and
   the server's certificate should be stored in a directory entry with
   this name.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. pkicreate -pki_instance_root=/var/lib -pki_instance_name=pki-ca8
-subsystem_type=ca -agent_secure_port=8443 -ee_secure_port=8444
-ee_secure_client_auth_port=8446 -admin_secure_port=8445 -unsecure_port=8180
-tomcat_server_port=8701 -redirect conf=/etc/pki-ca8 -redirect

2. configre CA with incorrect SSL server cert subject DN like
CN=example root ca8,OU=pki,DC=example,DC=com

3. create a TKS
pkicreate -pki_instance_root=/var/lib        \
          -pki_instance_name=pki-tks8        \
          -subsystem_type=tks                \
          -agent_secure_port=13843           \
          -ee_secure_port=13844              \
          -admin_secure_port=13845           \
          -unsecure_port=13880               \
          -tomcat_server_port=13801          \
          -user=pkiuser                      \
           -group=pkiuser                     \
          -redirect conf=/etc/pki-tks8       \
          -redirect logs=/var/log/pki-tks8   \

4. configure the TKS
it will fail in the "Requests and Certificates" panel

Actual results:

Requests and Certificates

No Certificate Generated. Please import.
        View Certificate Request (CSR)

View Certificate in Base64-Encoding

VelocityServlet: Error processing the template

Invocation of method 'getEscapedCertpp' in  class
com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin.Cert threw exception class
java.lang.NullPointerException : null
org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method
'getEscapedCertpp' in  class com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin.Cert threw
exception class java.lang.NullPointerException : null
        at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference.execute(ASTRefe

CA debug log trace, see the
TokenAuthentication authenticate
Exception=org.mozilla.jss.ssl.SSLSocketException: SSL_ForceHandshake failed:
(-12276) Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does
not match the server's certificate.

[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: TokenAuthentication: start
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: TokenAuthentication:
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: TokenAuthentication authenticate
Exception=org.mozilla.jss.ssl.SSLSocketException: SSL_ForceHandshake failed:
(-12276) Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does
not match the server's certificate.
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: SignedAuditEventFactory:
create() message=[AuditEvent=AUTH_SUCCESS][SubjectID=$NonRoleUser$ :
Unidentified][Outcome=Success][AuthMgr=TokenAuth] authentication success

[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: ProfileSubmitServlet authToken
not null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: ProfileSubmitServlet: authz
using acl: group="Enterprise OCSP Administrators" || group="Enterprise RA
Administrators" || group="Enterprise CA Administrators" || group="Enterprise
KRA Administrators" || group="Enterprise TKS Administrators" ||
group="Enterprise TPS Administrators"
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: CMSServlet: in auditSubjectID
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: CMSServlet: auditSubjectID
auditContext {sslClientCertProvider=com.netscape.cms.servlet.profile.SSLClientC
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: CMSServlet auditSubjectID:
subjectID: null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: CMSServlet: in auditGroupID
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: CMSServlet: auditGroupID
auditContext {sslClientCertProvider=com.netscape.cms.servlet.profile.SSLClientC
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: CMSServlet auditGroupID:
groupID: null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: evaluating expressions:
group="Enterprise OCSP Administrators" || group="Enterprise RA Administrators"
|| group="Enterprise CA Administrators" || group="Enterprise KRA
Administrators" || group="Enterprise TKS Administrators" || group="Enterprise
TPS Administrators"
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: GroupAccessEvaluator: evaluate:
uid null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: evaluated expression:
group="Enterprise OCSP Administrators" to be false
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: GroupAccessEvaluator: evaluate:
uid null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: evaluated expression:
group="Enterprise RA Administrators" to be false
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: GroupAccessEvaluator: evaluate:
uid null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: evaluated expression:
group="Enterprise CA Administrators" to be false
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: GroupAccessEvaluator: evaluate:
uid null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: evaluated expression:
group="Enterprise KRA Administrators" to be false
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: GroupAccessEvaluator: evaluate:
uid null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: evaluated expression:
group="Enterprise TKS Administrators" to be false
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: GroupAccessEvaluator: evaluate:
uid null
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: evaluated expression:
group="Enterprise TPS Administrators" to be false
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: SignedAuditEventFactory:
create() message=[AuditEvent=AUTHZ_FAIL][SubjectID=$NonRoleUser$][Outcome=Failu
authorization failure

[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: SignedAuditEventFactory:
create() message=[AuditEvent=ROLE_ASSUME][SubjectID=$NonRoleUser$][Outcome=Fail
ure][Role=$NonRoleUser$] assume privileged role

[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: ProfileSubmitServlet authorize:
Authorization failed on resource: group="Enterprise OCSP Administrators" ||
group="Enterprise RA Administrators" || group="Enterprise CA Administrators" ||
group="Enterprise KRA Administrators" || group="Enterprise TKS Administrators"
|| group="Enterprise TPS Administrators", operation: {1}
[06/May/2013:21:16:38][http-8444-Processor25]: CMSServlet: curDate=Mon May 06
21:16:38 PDT 2013 id=caProfileSubmit time=22

Expected results:

Additional info:

workaround: use a valid subject DN in CA SSL server cert,OU=pki-ca8,O=Example Domain ca8

I havn't tested with Dogtag 10 newer tools.
pki-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment from mharmsen (@mharmsen) at 2014-06-04 19:55:38

[06/04/2014] - Moving to Milestone 10.3 due to schedule restrictions.

pki-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment from nkinder (@nkinder) at 2017-02-27 14:03:13

Metadata Update from @nkinder: