Open pkienzle opened 8 months ago
Tables available here:
Some parsing code for the nubase_4.mas20
file in the link above.
Can't use it until isomers are supported.
Note: the triple (AAA, ZZZ, isomer) is unique in the dataset.
from numpy import inf, nan
# Parse the nubase_4.mas20 file
NUBASE_FILE = 'nubase_4.mas20'
NUBASE_FILE = 'periodictable/nubase_4.mas20.txt'
YEAR = 31556926 # seconds = 365.2422 days
'y' : YEAR,
'd' : 24*3600,
'h' : 3600,
'm' : 60,
's' : 1,
'ms' : 1e-3, 'ky' : 1e3 * YEAR,
'us' : 1e-6, 'My' : 1e6 * YEAR,
'ns' : 1e-9, 'Gy' : 1e9 * YEAR,
'ps' : 1e-12, 'Ty' : 1e12 * YEAR,
'fs' : 1e-15, 'Py' : 1e15 * YEAR,
'as' : 1e-18, 'Ey' : 1e18 * YEAR,
'zs' : 1e-21, 'Zy' : 1e21 * YEAR,
'ys' : 1e-24, 'Yy' : 1e24 * YEAR,
def nubase_float(s):
# Note contains codes regarding the value: >, <, ~, >>
# If the value is estimated, then note will end with #.
# Currently not returning it because it isn't used.
note = None
s = s.strip()
if not s:
return None
#if s[-1] == '#' and s[0] not in '-0123456789':
# print('parsing', s)
tail = ''
if s[-1] == '#':
tail = s[-1]
s = s[:-1]
if s.startswith('>>'):
note = '>>' + tail
s = s[2:]
elif s[0] in '><~':
note = s[0] + tail
s = s[1:]
if s == 'non-exist':
value = nan
value = float(s)
return value
def load_halflife():
special = {
'stbl': inf,
'p-unst': 0,
'non-exist': nan,
data = []
with open(NUBASE_FILE) as fd:
for line in fd:
# Skip the comment lines.
if line.startswith('#'):
# Make sure empty fields weren't trimmed from the fixed format lines.
line = line[:-1] + ' '*100
# Split the line into fields
# isomer code 0:gs 1:m 2:n 3:p 4:q 5:r 6:x 7:unused 8:i 9:j
AAA, ZZZ, code, isomer = int(line[0:3]), int(line[4:7]), int(line[7]), line[16].strip()
symbol = line[11:16].strip()
mass_excess = nubase_float(line[18:31]) # keV
mass_excess_unc = nubase_float(line[31:42]) # keV
isomer_excitation_energy = nubase_float(line[42:54]) # keV
isomer_excitation_energy_unc = nubase_float(line[54:65])# keV
origin = line[65:67].strip()
isomer_unc, isomer_inv = line[67], line[68]
halflife_str = line[69:78].strip()
halflife_units = line[78:80].strip()
halflife_unc_str = line[81:88].strip()
spin_parity, isospin = line[88:102], ''
update = line[102:103]
discovery = line[114:118].strip()
decay_modes = line[119:].strip()
# Fix i11B and i35S which stuffs T=3/2 into the halflife uncertainty column
if 'T=' in halflife_unc_str:
spin_parity = f"{spin_parity} {halflife_unc_str}"
halflife_unc_str = ''
# Process "{halflife} {units} {unc}" fields
label = f"{isomer:1s}{symbol:<5s}"
scale = UNIT_CONVERSION[halflife_units] if halflife_units else 1
if not halflife_str:
halflife = halflife_seconds = nan
elif halflife_str == 'stbl':
halflife = halflife_seconds = inf
halflife_units = 's'
elif halflife_str == 'p-unst':
halflife = halflife_seconds = 0
halflife_units = 's'
#assert halflife_unc_str != '', f"{label}: {line[69:88]}"
halflife = nubase_float(halflife_str)
halflife_seconds = halflife*scale
halflife_unc = halflife_seconds_unc = 0
if not halflife_unc_str:
elif halflife_unc_str[-1] in 'ys': # units on halflife uncertainty
if halflife_unc_str[-2] in '0123456789':
halflife_unc = nubase_float(halflife_unc_str[:-1])
units = halflife_unc_str[-1]
halflife_unc = nubase_float(halflife_unc_str[:-2])
units = halflife_unc_str[-2:]
unc_scale = UNIT_CONVERSION[units]
value = nubase_float(halflife_unc_str[:-2])
halflife_seconds_unc = value*unc_scale
if halflife_units:
# Convert uncertainty into halflife units rather than uncertainty units
halflife_unc = halflife_seconds_unc/scale
# Note: may have "stbl" elements with lower limit estimate on halflife
#if halflife_str != '': print(f"{label}: {line[69:88]}")
#if halflife_unc_str[0] not in '<>~': print(f"{label}: {line[69:88]}")
halflife_units = units
halflife_unc = value
# If halflife is missing then use uncertainty as halflife
if not halflife_str:
halflife, halflife_seconds = halflife_unc, halflife_seconds_unc
halflife_unc = nubase_float(halflife_unc_str)
halflife_seconds_unc = halflife_unc * scale
# Various halflife parsing integrity views
empty = line[69:88].strip() == '' or "T=" in line[69:88]
stable = halflife_str in ('stbl', 'p-unst')
usual = not stable and halflife_str and halflife_unc_str and halflife_unc_str[-1] not in 'ys'
unusual = not stable and halflife_str and halflife_unc_str and halflife_unc_str[-1] in 'ys'
partial = not stable and not empty and not (halflife_str and halflife_unc_str)
#if unusual:
# print(f"{label}: {line[69:88]} => {halflife} ± {halflife_unc} {halflife_units} => {halflife_seconds:.4g} ± {halflife_seconds_unc:.4g} s")
# Sort out spin, parity and isospin
if 'T=' in spin_parity:
spin_parity, isospin = spin_parity.split('T=')
spin_parity, isospin = spin_parity.strip(), isospin.strip()
# Build the data structure representing the line.
AAA=AAA, Z=ZZZ, code=code, isomer=isomer, symbol=symbol,
mass_excess=mass_excess, mass_excess_unc=mass_excess_unc,
isomer_unc=isomer_unc, isomer_inv=isomer_inv,
halflife=halflife, halflife_units=halflife_units, halflife_unc=halflife_unc,
halflife_seconds=halflife_seconds, halflife_seconds_unc=halflife_seconds_unc,
spin_parity=spin_parity, isospin=isospin,
discovery=discovery, update=update,
#except Exception as exc: print(f"{exc} {len(line)}\n{line}")
return data
Maybe a list of excitations with dot access for each item (gs for ground state, m, n, p, q, r, x, i, j). Then every isotope would have
, with attributes for halflife, etc., but only those with an "m" excitation would have isotope.m
Maybe parse decay modes into a list of (mode, %, uncertainty). Note that stable isotopes have "decay mode" IS=% giving the natural abundance for that isotope. Other modes are n, p, 2n, 2p, B+, B- (β+ and β-), A (α), IT (γ internal transition), EC (ε electron capture), and rarely 3H (H-3) and 3He (He-3). Subsequent decays (e.g., B-2n) may also be listed.
Maybe parse spin_parity
into a tuple of spin-parity strings, removing ()#*
and frg
I don't think we need to specify excitation in the chemical formula.
Note: isotopic abundance for Tc in iupac tables is 0 (no natural abundance for any isotope), but the activation calculator uses Tc-98 = 100. That is, if Tc is given in a formula, assume it is Tc-98.