pkissling / clock-weather-card

A Home Assistant Card indicating today's date/time, along with an iOS inspired weather forecast for the next days with animated icons
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Humidity is not displayed #341

Closed matomatusov closed 3 months ago

matomatusov commented 3 months ago

Hi, I don't see the humidity sensor on the card. I updated to 2.3.0. I added the sensor and set it to display. Don't know what the problem might be?


pkissling commented 3 months ago

hi @matomatusov, did you reset your browser cache already?

matomatusov commented 3 months ago

Hi, yes i reset the cache browser.


pkissling commented 3 months ago

can you please provide your configuration yaml where you configure clock-weather-card. additionally, please verify that your weather entity exposes attribute humidty

matomatusov commented 3 months ago

Hi, I am sending you the configuration.


type: custom:clock-weather-card
entity: weather.iakovi2
title: Home
sun_entity: sun.sun
temperature_sensor: sensor.iakovi2_temperature
humidity_sensor: sensor.iakovi2_relative_humidity
weather_icon_type: line
animated_icon: true
forecast_rows: 5
locale: cs
time_pattern: HH:mm:ss
time_format: 24
date_pattern: ccc, d.MM.y
hide_today_section: false
hide_forecast_section: false
hide_clock: false
hide_date: false
show_humidty: true
hourly_forecast: false
use_browser_time: false
time_zone: null
pkissling commented 3 months ago

can you please provide a screenshot of your sensor.iakovi2_relative_humidity sensor from the developer console?

the weather entity exposes humidity as an integer value. my hunch is that your humidity sensor exposes a string 77.0% instead of an integer value 77

matomatusov commented 3 months ago


pkissling commented 3 months ago

hmmm i don't see any issue with your HA setup. @rakasha681, when implementing this feature, have you tested whether your feature works with humidity_sensor supplied? do you have an idea why it does not work?

i don't have a humidity sensor, hence i am not able reproduce the problem

Marcwa19197 commented 3 months ago

Same issue on my side..

Humidity Sensor:



type: custom:clock-weather-card
entity: weather.openweathermap
sun_entity: sun.sun
temperature_sensor: sensor.gw1100a_outdoor_temperature
humidity_sensor: sensor.gw1100a_humidity
show_humidty: true
weather_icon_type: fill
animated_icon: true
forecast_rows: 7
locale: de
time_format: 24
date_pattern: DDDD
hide_today_section: false
hide_forecast_section: false
hide_clock: false
hide_date: false
hourly_forecast: false
use_browser_time: false
Marcwa19197 commented 3 months ago

Fixed it... there is a typo! We need to use "show_humidity: true" instead of "show_humidty: true" @matomatusov This should fix it also for your config. @pkissling : So it is just a typo in readme file...

matomatusov commented 3 months ago

Hi, @Marcwa19197 and @pkissling Thanks for help. Yes, it was a typo of the show humidity.