pkl-mufqi / regat-test

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[Problem] Testing 1.2.0 #104

Open regatapp[bot] opened 2 years ago

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago

Alert's URL

Alert's Description

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Policy has been added successfully
Policy's Name: Issue 104
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Demo Ping Localhost" -T 12

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Action has been added successfully.
  "actionName": "Demo Ping Localhost",
  "extraVars": [],
  "jobTemplateId": "12",
  "jobTemplateName": "Demo Regat",
  "limit": "localhost",
  "org": "Intern",
  "stringExtraVars": "",
  "type": "jobTemplate"
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc" -i "Demo Inventory" -c "Demo Credential" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Action has been added successfully.
  "actionName": "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc",
  "credential": 1,
  "credentialName": "Demo Credential",
  "extraVars": [
      "key": "key1",
      "value": "value1=true"
      "key": "key2",
      "value": "value2"
  "inventory": 3,
  "inventoryName": "Demo Inventory",
  "limit": "localhost",
  "moduleArgs": "echo args1",
  "moduleName": "ping",
  "org": "Intern",
  "privilegeEscalation": false,
  "stringExtraVars": "key1=\"value1=true\" key2=value2",
  "type": "adhoc"
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago


regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
There is no workaround command.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc" -i "Demo Inventory" -c "Demo Credential" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Invalid Command.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc" -i "Demo Inventory1" -c "Demo Credential" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
This action's name is already registered for this issue in the previous workaround. Please write different name for it.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc2" -i "Demo Inventory1" -c "Demo Credential" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Inventory not found.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc2" -i "Demo Inventory" -c "Demo Credential1" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Credential not found.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc2" "Demo Inventory" -c "Demo Credential1" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
error: required option '-i, --inventory <inventory>' not specified
(add --help for additional information)
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch" -T 12

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Action has been added successfully.
  "actionName": "Check Prompt on Launch",
  "extraVars": [],
  "jobTemplateId": "12",
  "jobTemplateName": "Demo Regat",
  "limit": "localhost",
  "org": "Intern",
  "stringExtraVars": "",
  "type": "jobTemplate"
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled" -T 13

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
"Prompt on launch" option in Job Template is disabled. Please enable it for Limit and Variables.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled" -T 13

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
"Prompt on launch" option in Job Template is disabled. Please enable it for Limit and Variables.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled" -T 13

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Action has been added successfully.
  "actionName": "Check Prompt on Launch disabled",
  "extraVars": [],
  "jobTemplateId": "13",
  "jobTemplateName": "prompt on launch disabled",
  "limit": "",
  "org": "Intern",
  "stringExtraVars": "",
  "type": "jobTemplate"
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app --help

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Usage: @regat-app [command] [options]

  -V, --version   output the version number
  -h, --help      display help for command

  workaround      workaround related
  help [command]  display help for command
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled 2" -T 13

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Action has been added successfully.
  "actionName": "Check Prompt on Launch disabled 2",
  "extraVars": [],
  "jobTemplateId": "13",
  "jobTemplateName": "prompt on launch disabled",
  "limit": "",
  "org": "Intern",
  "stringExtraVars": "",
  "type": "jobTemplate"
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled3" -T 13

mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled3" -T 13

mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled3" -T 13

mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled3" -T 13

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
"Prompt on launch" option in Job Template is disabled. Please enable it for Limit and Variables.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate --help

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Usage: @regat-app workaround add jobTemplate [options]

adding new job template workaround

  -a, --action-name <action-name>   action name for opsgenie (mandatory)
  -T, --template-id <template-id>   template id from AWX (mandatory)
  -e, --extra-vars [extra-vars...]  extra variables for the AWX job
  -h, --help                        display help for command
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc --help

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Usage: @regat-app workaround add adhoc [options]

adding new adhoc workaround

  -a, --action-name <action-name>     action name for opsgenie (mandatory)
  -i, --inventory <inventory>         AWX inventory name (mandatory)
  -c, --credential <credential>       AWX credential name (mandatory)
  -l, --limit <limit>                 target host(s) (mandatory)
  -m, --module-name <module-name>     module name from AWX (mandatory)
  -p, --privilege-escalation          module args for the adhoc (default: false)
  -M, --module-args [module-args...]  module args for the adhoc
  -e, --extra-vars [extra-vars...]    extra variables for the AWX job
  -h, --help                          display help for command
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc4" -i "Demo Inventory" -c "Demo Credential" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Action has been added successfully.
  "actionName": "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc4",
  "credential": 1,
  "credentialName": "Demo Credential",
  "extraVars": [
      "key": "key1",
      "value": "value1=true"
      "key": "key2",
      "value": "value2"
  "inventory": 3,
  "inventoryName": "Demo Inventory",
  "limit": "localhost",
  "moduleArgs": "echo args1",
  "moduleName": "ping",
  "org": "Intern",
  "privilegeEscalation": false,
  "stringExtraVars": "key1=\"value1=true\" key2=value2",
  "type": "adhoc"
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled3" -T 13

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
"Prompt on launch" option in Job Template is disabled. Please enable it for Limit and Variables.
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add adhoc -a "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc privilege true" -i "Demo Inventory" -c "Demo Credential" -l "localhost" -m "ping" -M "echo args1" -e key1="value1=true" -e key2=value2 -p

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
Action has been added successfully.
  "actionName": "Demo Ping Localhost Adhoc privilege true",
  "credential": 1,
  "credentialName": "Demo Credential",
  "extraVars": [
      "key": "key1",
      "value": "value1=true"
      "key": "key2",
      "value": "value2"
  "inventory": 3,
  "inventoryName": "Demo Inventory",
  "limit": "localhost",
  "moduleArgs": "echo args1",
  "moduleName": "ping",
  "org": "Intern",
  "privilegeEscalation": true,
  "stringExtraVars": "key1=\"value1=true\" key2=value2",
  "type": "adhoc"
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled3"

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
error: required option '-T, --template-id <template-id>' not specified
(add --help for additional information)
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "Check Prompt on Launch disabled3"

regatapp[bot] commented 2 years ago
error: required option '-T, --template-id <template-id>' not specified
(add --help for additional information)
mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "${labels.alertname}"

mufqiuwais commented 2 years ago

@regat-app workaround add jobTemplate -a "${labels.alertname}"