pkluz / PKHUD

A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8.
MIT License
3.79k stars 494 forks source link

SPM support #277

Closed arturgrigor closed 4 years ago

PGLongo commented 4 years ago

Thank you @arturgrigor.

PGLongo commented 4 years ago

@arturgrigor I've this error:


I'm doing something wrong?

arturgrigor commented 4 years ago


@PGLongo I'm not sure, but you can check and run this small demo with Xcode 12 and everything should work just fine.

PGLongo commented 4 years ago

Please can you try to install PKHUD with SPM?

arturgrigor commented 4 years ago


I did that by running the following commands:

mkdir pkhud-spm-test
cd pkhud-spm-test
swift package init
vi Package.swift; here I added a ".package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "5.4.0"))," to the dependencies section, and listed "PKHUD" in the "pkhud-spm-test" target's dependencies
swift package update
swift package generate-xcodeproj

And everything worked just fine.

Note: You should make sure that Xcode 12 is selected for the Command Line Tools.

arturgrigor commented 4 years ago

@PGLongo I got that same problem earlier on a build machine because they are still using Xcode 11 and this library requires Xcode 12 due to the images that come with it and bundling resources into the library is only available in Xcode 12.