pkluz / PKRevealController

PKRevealController is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another.
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allowsOverdraw Implemented? #201

Open awgeorge opened 10 years ago

awgeorge commented 10 years ago

I can't seem to find a list of known issues so I am posting here to find an answer.

My left/right panel isn't resizing, instead utilising the full 320 width. I assumed this is now the default as DEFAULT_ALLOWS_OVERDRAW_VALUE is set to true.

Unfortunately I can not seem to find any implementation for this as when i set allowsOverdraw to NO, nothing happens.

Am I correct in thinking PKReveal2 is still work in progress?


elsurudo commented 10 years ago

I'm having a similar issue in my iPad app. What is happening is the left controller content simple is stretched to the full width of the screen, and is overlaid by the front controller. What's the deal?

I am still on iOS 6.1 SDK (internal app).